senior, old age, second childhood, sickness and death, ain't we got fun.

Tuesday, December 31, 2013


fortunately i'll go to sleep tonight around 8 pm. no longer am i obligated to attend mind deadening parties dying slowly in my chair with other married zombies losing iq points and brain cells and absorbing quantities of old wives tales and other misinformation.

haven't figured out what we're supposed to be celebrating on new year's eve: the end of another disastrous year; the beginning of a new disastrous year; that we are still alive for no reason at all; that when we subtract our birth year we are a year older; that your unemployment benefits have run out; that we are with friends who would sell you out for a cold potato.

for young people there are other new years eve events: its a good night for breakups; for a more ...ummm... physical relationship; for a less physical relationship; looking forward to college graduation and the end of your good life.

and my favorite - for the media and financial news for next year; continue making up your own facts; telling lies repeatedly for lesser intellects to believe; distorting events for kickbacks and payoffs.

and for small business: continue not paying collected sales or other taxes; may next year be the end of paying anything for hired help. they should be happy for the rainbow.

lets hope we can accomplish all we desire.


Monday, December 30, 2013


always trying to improve literature: i think that john grisham's the firm can be improved if he and robert crais would hook up. if mitch and abby mcdeere had been in touch with (crais') joe pike and elvis cole grisham's book would be half as long. certainly the takedown of the partners and the moroltos crime family would be more efficient and quicker by joe pike, elvis cole and their acquaintences. the fumbling self serving fbi of course would be embarassed again.


Saturday, December 28, 2013


final exam at 10 am today.

i don't remember that.

its in contracts.

can't remember the last time i attended class.yes, i remember now - i think.

i should have prepared.

i'm on campus now.

students and staff are walking this way and that. what building, and room is it in?

i'd better go over to the administration building and find out.

yikes, its 9:30 already.

pushing my way through crowds on the hill heading towards the building.

there's a sign on the door.

it says the admnistration building has been moved to the other campus.

i'm on the subway heading towards the other campus.

no i'm not. this train is going into the borough of queens.

the train is now traveling above ground.

all that can be seen is the shrubbery along the countryside.

i'll get off at the next stop and crossover to the otherside to get back to the city.

at the next stop there is a bus waiting that goes into the bronx over the whitestone bridge.

the bus ia a local and makes many stops.

finally arriving at west farms square.


home at last.

seems that thats where i wanted to be in the first place.


Thursday, December 26, 2013


in addition to dreaming of term papers due the next morning i also dream of final exams that i have not prepared for. having gone through life on the wing and not prepared for anything, i have managed to survive. no wonder i have bad dreams about final exams and term papers.


Wednesday, December 25, 2013


i lay down in bed last night.

realizing that a term paper was due this morning i knew that i needed my computer, paper, and pen to prepare my hand written paper.

pondering this revelation, it occurred to me that i may be dreaming.

if i weren't dreaming what was the worst thing that could happen to an old man if i didn't do the paper?

then a miracle happened i had to get out of bed to answer nature's call.


Tuesday, December 24, 2013


washington redskins' fans are are wondering why their team has been losing consistently in the most painful ways. the reason is the curse of geronimo. because the history of this nation's destruction and oppression of indians and their culture has been so offensive the great indian leader and warrior finds the name redskins is the last straw. he has arisen to make sure the washington nfl team will change its name or perish.


great weekend for ny and nj football fans. both jets and giants won. yea!


Sunday, December 22, 2013


while my wife and i were having a snack at one of the port authority fast food places in nyc i noticed that one customer seemingly of indian descent was approached by a pan handler. without hesitation he reached into his pocket and gave him a dollar. no big deal.

in some parts of this universe there are people who follow the better instincts of our kind. do not confuse religious ritual and nonsense with doing the right thing.


Friday, December 20, 2013


santa claus was first noticed to live near the north pole in the 19th century. but actually "On April 6, 1909, Robert Peary claimed to be the first person in recorded history to reach the North Pole -- (although whether he actually reached the Pole is doubted by some)"

although there is an intense dogmatic belief that santa is a white man. who can believe that when the evidence is contrary? clearly he must be of "eskimo" descent as are his helpers.

sorry to ruin the holiday. get over it.


Sunday, December 15, 2013


trying various brands of coffee. sorry folks coffee these days no matter what the price cannot hack it against any coffee from 1945 in any place in nyc. having coffee at bickfords or the automat for a nickel was great compared to the high priced crappola of today. just part of the dumbing down of the dummies in america.

just bought and tried a coffee which on sale is about $11 a pound. must say its ok. not real good but ok.


Saturday, December 14, 2013


this item has nothing to do with bitcoins.

granpa don's paper money is new value commodity. its value lies in its limited edition printing. only one million face value certificates will be issued. it is paper money the same size and color and face imprint as the game money in monopoly except that each certificate is initialed by granpa don for authentication like rembrandt paintings. each face amount has a value of $10 per unit face. a face amount of one is initiallty valued at $10. a face amount of 10 is initially valued at $100 and so on.

this commodity is free traded. once all granpa don's paper money is sold granpa don will never again be involved. this item will increase in value over time because of inherent inflation in the world's economy. i could go on and on about the virtues of this commodity but i will let you discover them because you are so smart.

for a limited time only the certificates will sell at a 10% discount. so hurry.

disclaimer: tantrums, bleeding and death may be side effects. for any side effect see your doctor immediately because he knows everything.


Thursday, December 12, 2013


i know i shouldn't complain. life has dealt me a hand with three tens. not satisfied. i want a full house with three aces. i deserve it.

but you know rhere'll always be a more clever guy manipulating the deck and coming up with four of a kind. how does he do that? i have no idea . just stay away fom him and admit your limitations.

going back to sleep ..... zzzzzzz.


Wednesday, December 11, 2013


at three this morning i was thinking of blanche DuBois saying, " .... I have always depended on the kindness of strangers."

always happy to help out fellow writers i submit the following as improvemrnts to Tennessee Williams line:

" .... I have always depended on the kindness of the internal revenue service."

" .... I have always depended on the kindness of wall street stockbrokers."

" .... I have always depended on the kindness of rotweilers."

" .... I have always depended on the kindness of engineers."

" .... I have always depended on the kindness of car dealers."

" .... I have always depended on the kindness of subordinates."

" .... I have always depended on the kindness of management."

" .... I have always depended on the kindness of college boys."

" .... I have always depended on the kindness of boa constrictors and politicians."

to the writers of america: you are welcome.


Saturday, December 7, 2013


REMEMBER PEARL HARBOR??????????????????


Wednesday, December 4, 2013


the contenders were two imported sparkling waters, two domestic sparkling waters, a good white wine, a good imported scotch, and a bottled domestic water. the winner was a domestic sparkling water: vintage seltzer. in the alcoholic category the medication effect was quicker and more cost effective with the scotch but the wine was more palatable and did the job.

bring on xmas.


Tuesday, December 3, 2013


if you think the medical community is there to help you, you are sadly mistaken. you are merely a money generating production unit. in this country keeping you alive and generating income is of primary importance - to the economy, to the medical community, to wall street. we will not let you die. pharmsceuticals, devices, and other weird science stuff will be tried out on you. screaming will not help. the medical community can do anything to you without law enforcement intervention. its part of the huge conspiracy.

many in the medical community actually think that they are helping you. even religious groups think they are helping by dogmatically stating that life is sacred. we will save you no matter what. our fascist multi-party government supports your pain and suffering.

they shoot horses. don't they? yes, because they cannot pay for their healthcare. if they or the govt. would pay for their healthcare i can assure you they wouldn't be shot.


Sunday, December 1, 2013


so glad the giants and jets are out of the superbowl competition. this frees up my sundays for watching important tv like movies and other junk.

i may switch interest to some other team. i'll wait to see tomorrow morning's paper. we'll see.


Wednesday, November 27, 2013


i must have slipped into an alternative universe, or my wardrobe sucked me into narnia or did i go through the looking glass. at any rate somehow the phrase corporations are people keeps pounding in my head. this is most bizarre and surreal. i wonder how this could have happened?

corporations are people...corporations are people...corporations are people...

i must have hit my head because this would be ridiculous. concussions and also old age cause delusions.

somehow in this time warp anomaly that i'm in the supreme court had something to do with this. y'know the supreme court is made up of old people and i wonder how reality based they are.

in this realm soylent green is people. i guess i may have gotten into the movie somehow.

sooooo, both corporations and soylent green are people. of course.


Tuesday, November 26, 2013


just stumbled on this and don't want to lose it. for elderly bronxites:


Monday, November 25, 2013


saw the movie nebraska over the weekend. i found it interesting that it managed to review the lives of many people concisely and with feeling. you could read into everyone's lives a feeling of some regrets regardless of how trivial or overblown they may actually have been.

i would recommend it to anyone with mature feelings. the rest of you can watch sarah silverman reruns.

only edith piaf sings of having no regrets which is doubtful.


Sunday, November 24, 2013


my big game of the day is the giants - cowboys game. i'll be there - i mean watching tv - for the giants as long as they're competitive. if the going gets tough i'll take a nap. hopin' this game will be a jumping off point for the NEW YORK/NEW JERSEY GIANTS. YEA!!!


Saturday, November 23, 2013


franklin delano roosevelt died 4/12/45 serving during four presidential terms from march 1933 - the great depression - to april 1945 - the end of the german backed wwii.

i was on bryant ave. that afternoon when another kid, scully - one of the poorest of the poor - came running down the street gleefully yelling, "he's finally dead". it was an amazing thing that this kid whose family was probably one of the few who appeared to need some socialized benefits would be so nasty. probably a grandfather to many current republicans.


Friday, November 22, 2013


yes, they are right i too can recall 11/22/63. i was in the library at my defense (ugh) installation in northern (ugh) new jersey probably escaping from work (i've always been good at that) when i heard the news that kennedy was shot.

how i heard it is now a mystery to me. the library probably did not have a radio and it certainly was not on.

i'm not a conspiracy theorist but i sorta think there must have been another person involved ??????????????????????????


Wednesday, November 20, 2013


the soap, clean water, and dentifrice lobby is controlling your life. due to the addictive nature of their products you are no longer in control of your hygiene. i now have great difficulty skipping my daily shower with soap. and why is that? because they have caught me in their so-called hygiene web. i no longer have control. help me.

clearly if we stay in our natural state many diseased people will avoid us. its a known fact that your natural bacteria will protect you from the evil bacteria. bad breath is known to be a natural protection against (ugh) human intimacy. go for it.

there is historical proof that when european invaders who lived with barnyard animals when entering the new world decimated the local clean population. yessss!


Tuesday, November 19, 2013


there's no whining in football

the redskins fans are pathetic and i feel so sorry for rgiii. he tries so hard, has taken so many hits, and the team has fallen short.

being among new york-new jersey spawn we accept adversity and move on. the giants and jets play in the meadowlands, nj where jimmy hoffa is alleged to be buried in the end zone. chris chistie the tough governor of new jersey is in charge and strengthens our spirit. no wimpy fascist political dorks like there is in wash. dc. off subject? no this enters into whats wrong with the skins and their fans and the country.


Sunday, November 17, 2013


1. never exercise. this is just a capitalist promoted activity to separate you from your money and strength. of course you must stretch your muscles periodically so walk around home depot, the library, the supermarket.

2. never try to accomplish anything. your instincts may tell you to accomplish something or have a project but this is just delusion passed down by the evolutionary process and is just a vestige of your ancient lizard brain. this will separate you from the 'work ethic' neanderthals you are acquainted with. ignore these feelings and go straight to bed watching fast food commercials on tv. this should be enough to satisfy that inner carnivore. certaily you can't eat this stuff.

3. stay away from other blood sucking humans. be sure to let everyone know that you are dying and they should go away. they're dying too but they may not know it and why should you care? this will leave you with lots of free time and you do not have to get confusing, contradictory, or .... ummmm .... ignorant commentary.

4. stay warm. it never gets too warm for dying people. you don't have to move to ... ugh ... florida to stay warm. you can just wear appropriate clothes and intimidate the members of your household to keep their hands off the thermostat.

5. buy my fountain-of-youth water..................................just joking.



Saturday, November 16, 2013



so far this year we have learned that politicians know nothing about women's issues and computer web sites. so why do they attempt to do anything? obviously they are good at getting money and hanging out at the country club.

out of desperation some want to wipe away the federal government and start over. this may sound like a good idea but it will lead to a new set of blood sucking managers and you may be worse off in the end. groan ............................


Friday, November 15, 2013


1. spend more time in bed with your audio book device. complete bed rest is a major component of my life saving system. never do today what you can put off 'til next year.

2. stay away from doctors for most ailments that do not require immediate surgery or involve a broken bone. most of the time they are just earning the last kickback given them by pharmaceutical salesmen or they are faking it. my four great-grandmothers from poland, ukraine, transylvania, and kazakhstan respectively knew more about caring for illness than doctors do. for supplementary reading google up this artcle, "Denver-based DaVita sets aside $300 million to settle kickback probes ". assuming that $10k is a nice average kickback then that is 30000 kickbacks and its probably the tip of the iceberg. relax, i'm sure your doctor is competent and ok - good luck.

3. and as i wrote before only eat stuff you don't want to eat. as a treat you can have a dish of (original) cheerios.

you too can live as long as i by following these tips.


just sayin'

about obamacare: most americans (thats you and me) have some healthcare coverage. the new law adds only a small percentage of us. so what the hell are the idiot politicians arguing about. they should just get a job.

the toronto mayor is sure getting a lot of media coverage. doesn't anyone in the media know that toronto is in another country.

i'm down to watching BLOOMBERG FINANCIAL NEWS in the morning. the other so-called cable news and business channels are getting too twisted and biased for my taste. screaming partisan republican toadies are not my cup-a-tea.


Thursday, November 7, 2013


the next president of the usa?

mother nature will take care of him. you can't carry all that weight and not suffer some consequences regardless of what he or his paid doctors say. i'm more worried who the vp will be. y'know what i'm sayin'..

now we can sing, the september song. "its a long, long way from may to december........".


how about those jets taking on the expected superbowl contenders, new orleans saints, and handling them very well in their 26-20 win. GO JETS.


Wednesday, November 6, 2013


in the old (old, old) days the actual vote count was enough. i don't have to know in intricate detail who voted for who but i guess we now have 24/7 talk - talk - talk - talk media and they must fill the time. so now i know that white men with erectile dysfunction went for cuchinelli by 75% and that sexy hispanic women without yeast infections went for christie by 51.2%.

the mcauliffe-cuchinelli race reminded me of the truman/dewey race as it slowly unfolded. late last night i almost expected cuchinelli, against all expert opinion, to win.

of course the democrats, although beatup badly last night, are still maintaining that they had a great night.


Tuesday, November 5, 2013


you don't have to buy my book or watch my tv show. this is the simplest and bestest diet ever and here it is:


see - easy- examples: don't eat birthday cake. eat raw broccoli. don't eat a thick bloody tender steak with thick mushroom sauce. eat unseasoned tofu. don't eat pizza. eat all the sea kelp you can buy.

i guarantee you will feel good and not gain weight. you will feel healthy and you can tell your doctor to go abuse himself. and may be able to throw away any meds.


Thursday, October 31, 2013


obviously the boston red sox winning the world series at home was a clear sign that god wants you to embrace the affordable care act. the obama state of massachusetts is chosen.

as an additional bebefit of the first world series win at home since 1918, the tortured soul of the babe has fially achieved peace.


Wednesday, October 30, 2013


ok, by popular demand i'll finish the unintelligible story i started last week while under medication:

i got off my shift at about 3 am at the soda fountain at the hotel in the catskills that labor day weekend and before going to my room and to sleep i went to the attached social hall. i watched a lone woman dancing to slow jukebox music in the darkened hall awhile before leaving. it just occurred to me, 61 years later, that a smarter college guy in his prime would have - as they say - hit on the lady. you never know when you'll get lucky.

these days i wake up about 3 am and look forward to my breakfast oatmeal. mmmm .... oatmeal.


Tuesday, October 29, 2013



this is really odd. germany, an occupied enemy country that we still support is supposed to be a friend and ally. this must be some bizarre case of reversal of the, "patty hearst syndrome" where you become attached to your captor.

keep your eye on them, NSA.


Monday, October 28, 2013


angela merkel outraged?????????????????

with german history weighing them down forever, its impossible to feel comfortable with their phony outrage.

they infiltrated countries throughout the world, sabotaged our infrastructure and defense structure and managed to murder 2% of the world's population in wwii. this is not ancient history.

i would keep a close eye on them....

NSA keep up the good work.

just sayin'.

Saturday, October 26, 2013



"my exciting life. you just gon;t umfrrtdtanf dow evciting yout life ws whwbben you wetr 21. in the summeer of .52 i got a jinb as counselor un th e poorest, illequipped canp in the catskills. it took mr abou three weeks rto arribve at this decision esoexce=ially sins ytht bestlooking gyrl pn camp was drfiniytely nointerested in me, onbvioudly my golfden grai ewas elxfwhrtr, om nmy da off me and acquintesane fegife totfy ou luchk af cicrlcle loggen in horewejj ljunctiom.

we hithihikted ajll day ah fisnally arrivedat thr canop after muvch grief.

thenext eday i got a job but my friebd did not.

we then set off acruss firom puughk5rrpsi tio ellenville. a ck=lergy/drivrfr dsaidv hewould ptray all night gfnightnfo us. unfortunatejly rthat didnnuot worh butwe nananafgeerd to walmof=-d=st thr was, rsearlu yin th nmoyrnuing er ewere in fanmilisar trerruitoty avnfd eswere abkble to finfd ouway.

in the afternoon i waseready to go jving gfound half my things. wiy=-th rheothe half mysetrioudsly midssing inactio. no one eened u notivce tha ti was sejtting off on ny ow. thery didn't care andneither didi.

my rout going was tho tappen zee bridgr, the uprtje nrew york roadway horth wy=-which runxz past horewell jc.

slept for a dfew hiourson yhe side ohfythr turnpike burvevtauallgot a5 id ti my csmp.

qfterfourexcining eweeekas at camp we ajj pschredup as thr season evde.

after one day at hone i was bortrd out u=-of my skull. spoye to artie ab=na hr d=suggreste we take a bus to th empplioynebr"



Wednesday, October 23, 2013


GIANTS set for their superbowl run after their victory monday night. it'll be a piece of cake running out the season with all Ws.


looking forward with moderate interest to red sox-cardinals world series. i won money on their series in 1946. hope stan musial is in condition.


Tuesday, October 22, 2013


this is a seinfeld episode. the contractor is good at getting govt. contracts but just can't deliver.

too many managers, chiefs, and politicians. not enough talented indians.

as per dilbert's boss the chiefs think the computer is an etch a sketch. they are too important to bother with mere details: like performance or maintenace of the software.


Thursday, October 3, 2013

Monday, September 30, 2013


our so-called congress is a disgrace to civilization. its a good thing the states can just continue in their own way. no one was ever really thrilled by a federal system.

my advice to congress is to eat your carrots, shutup and go explain it to your father - if you know who he is. really sick of listening to you.


Saturday, September 28, 2013


1. "where do you work?">

"new york city dept of {XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX}"


2. windy, frigid starlit night - somewhere the tune of starry, starry night is playing.

"free, free, freee .............."

3. move to new jersey and die - dumped by NEW YORK CITY.


Friday, September 27, 2013


1. SLAM....

2. "your stop ....."

3. "huh?"

4, "you're taking me to my prom.".
" ummm ......... "

5. "____________________________________________".


Wednesday, September 25, 2013


in my dotage and recalling the following "DUMPS"-----

1. payphone:

att operator, "15 cents please for the next three minutes".

me: sweeping my remaining change into my pocket. "sorry, i have no change".

she1: angrily. " you have no change?".

me: "nope"

telephone: "click".

2. six months after discharge from army:

she2: "you're fat. take me home."

3. three months after college and one week before being drafted:

she3: "you don't look so good. write me.".


Sunday, September 22, 2013


amazingly we are in the middle of a world wide multi faceted religious war and yet the political agenda in the western world is concentrated on the banking system, stock merkets, government statistics and iphones. obviously the answer to the old joke about your money or your life is keep your money at all costs. without a doubt.

just keep your head up your .... ummm .... country club.


Wednesday, September 18, 2013


just some thoughts on dc naval yard shooting:

having worked 30+ years for defense dept. i can say with some authority that there are very few that are totally civilized. most have had thoughts at one time or other of inflicting some sort of pain upon co-workers and others. many own guns and will talk about them. one associate made his own bullets because they were "better than purchased ones". another while hunting heard a bullet go over his head; he turned immediately and shot back. but these people as far as i know controlled their feelings. being a jerk is merely par for the course.

going into restricted areas can be done by waiting for someone to enter or exit and catching the door and going in. exit points can be entered and entry points can be exited. there is no fail proof system. entering and moving around without proper documentation (bumper stickers or badges) is possible. i will deny all of these if questioned - who me?

sooooo, a total defense against the myriad of dangerous people among us is probably impossible.


Sunday, September 15, 2013


the most sacred time of the hebrew year occurred two days ago. it is called kol nidre night. on this night i was reminiscing about the most memorable kol nidre night of my life. it occurred 61 years ago when i happened to meet two of my CCNY and previously p. s. 6 classmates (both honor students) and we went bowling together. we all lived happily ever after separately anyway.

the important thing this night two days ago is that i began reminiscing about the old days. my wife also a CCNY and p. s. 6 honor student grad (how did i ever wind up in this company? i don't know.) has a collection of the p. s. 6 newspapers from that time. the people i went bowling with were the premier students in my grade and i wanted to find their works for re-publication here. what i did keep running across was my wife's name on the honor roll, and the article below. sooooooo, i will publish her work below and handwrit it as i'm too lazy to set up my scanner.



My dear Mr. Monash,

In behalf of the pupils and teachers of P. S. 6
I would like to welcome you to this school. Though
you have only been here a few months, you have
accomplished much. You have had the Home Room
time changed to 9:00 to 9:20 instead of 11:30 to
12:00. The girls contrary to the last few years, are
making their own graduation dressses. The section
books are being checked by yourself and a new plan
put into operation. A play may be presented at gradu-
ation including the regular exercises which we have
never had before. A self-control diploma will be pre-
sented to two or more classes from 7A to 8B. The
classes will be chosen by the teachers. It is something
every class will try for. thus encouraging self-control
and good citizenship. All these were your ideas.

I am sure that during your administration our
school will profit by your presence.

Good luck and best wishes in your new assignments
from the citizens of P. S. 6.


wasn't that great? yesssssssss!


Wednesday, September 11, 2013


do those media people know what a statistical error is? lol. they're lucky they can read the teleprompter.

just give the results of your survey, or test. i don't expect you to show me your statistics homework.

i'm especially annoyed at medical pharmacological papers. they go into intricate math/stat analysis with basically no bearing on the subject matter. the test itself was probably biased, skewed, rigged and damaged by incompetence. i just want the numbers. got it! if i want a math/stat course i'll go to my local college.

the authors need stroking and your approval. "you're so smart. yes you are. yes you sre."

you know of course that the so called probability distributions used are all made up like the tooth fairy. they only exist in the (brain washed) minds of people who can then teach. they need the job.

i don't mind a little discipline in presenting important matter but it is secondary to the collected numbers. the tail does not wag the dog, the numbers should be given first, then the sample sizes and my brain can evaluate the results. you can even call the sample size a cohort and then at the bottom that useless phd can put in his two cents.

just sayin'.

Monday, September 9, 2013


obama is the worst.

obama is the best.

assad says, "huh?".

congress is the worst.

giants lost.

congress is the best.

miracle jets won.

obamacare will destroy the world.

so sad that giants lost to the dallas cowboys from (ugh) texas.

obamacare will destroy all business and communists will takeover.

jets' game finish was really great. go jets.

giants need improvement.

and you thought the weekend was a total waste.


Saturday, September 7, 2013


the memoir's of traudl junge can be found in, "voices from the bunker". an excerpt from a review sorta' sums up my feelings about the movie;

" Junge was in her early twenties when the events she recounts in *Voices from the Bunker* took place and one wonders just how accurate her extraordinarily detailed memory can possibly be after all this time...and how much the authors credited with actually writing this book added to round out her account. One also can't help but speculate on how much revisionism Junge is engaging in, conscious or unconscious, to justify her past, although, for the most part, one gets the feeling that her account is pretty even-handed and no apologia for Hitler, Nazism, or herself. Her story of her escape from the bunker through the ruins of Soviet-occupied Berlin is riveting, the kind of episode that makes you forget to swallow for pages at a time until you realize your mouth is dry. Her avowal that she, like most Germans, had no idea that the Jews were being exterminated since most of the camps were located outside of an increasingly isolated Germany is partly credible and partly incredible. Could it possibly be true? After two years at the very hub of Nazi power, in the presence of Uncle Adolf himself...could she really have heard not even a rumor of the millions being exterminated?"


i am fascinated by this movie as it depicts in a larger sense my beliefs in the craziness, ignorance, stupidity, and fantasy life of humans from jihadists to nazis to communists to religious fanatics of all persuasions.


Friday, September 6, 2013


watched the movie, "downfall", on netflix yesterday. its about the last days with hitler in april 1945. interestingly, it was difficult not to feel a human connection and feeling for the (bastard) germans and hitler in their bunker in berlin.

it is a german language film with subtitles based on the memoirs of his typist/secretary traudl junge. seems to be a reasonably honest portrayal of what occurred.

observing the architects of the wwii bloodbath up close sorta' obfuscates the damage they did by being responsible for the deaths of 2.5% of the world's population. even as you watch this is constantly on your mind.

excellent for its portrayal of human thinking. i'm sure most everyone like (bastard) germans are in their own personal fantasyland.

worth watching.


Thursday, September 5, 2013


sorry, small business is not america. america is steel mills, auto plants, large tracts of housing, strip mining ..... i can't believe i'm writing this. small is for emerging or backward nations where they sell or barter to each other to survive. something like northern new jersey.

on the other hand some small businesses are lucrative and busy as hell but the floundering small business can be pathetic and the govt. and obama care is not the source of their failure. success lies in tenacity and ability and of course some government support in some manner. your success lies not in your stars but in yourself.

the destiny of this nation lies in an educated, high earning, and active populace.


unfortunately, you can't let the deadwood starve..... and they usually are totally unaware that they are useless or worse. nevermind.


Tuesday, September 3, 2013


if you are a syrian civilian and are waiting for anyone or nation to throw you a lifeline or to slow the murderous intent of the dictators, strongmen, and assholes, you have a long wait, all of us here must talk it over in order to reach the optimum and best decision and make the most money. hey, yes i know everyone (congress, potus, and harriet from queens,ny) is on vacation and do not want to be disturbed. don't you have any respect.

our motherland, england currently does not want to be involved. they sorta' vary erratically in their approach from the burning of wash. dc in 1812 to pleading for help in 1940. from neville chamberlain agreeing with the (bastard) germans to have peace in our time in 1938 to winston churchille who vowed to destroy the (bastard) germans in june 1940.

thats the way friends are. just a bit fickle.

(unsubstantiated) reports this morning are that israel is not holding its breath relying on the kindness of strangers. they are issuing gas masks and are demonstrating their rocket, missile expertise by launching a missile and then shooting it down with another missile. ho, hum. and i laughed when ronald reagan introduced the star wars program.


Saturday, August 31, 2013


if you really have no talent, which is most everyone (except you), you need the good book. most scientists, engineers, clergy, doctors, lawyers, and cook-housewives, etc. all go by their book. its too bad most people are just not smart enough not to go by the book. regurgitating and lots of talkin' may get you kudos in school, social situations and many work situations but may fall far short of solving real problems and situations.

take talented people for example: did ted williams have to take baseball instruction? did bobby fischer have to take chess instruction? did mozart need music instruction? ..... actually you bet they did but their natural talent cannot be learned.

as they say, " you can't make a "good" silk purse from a sow's ear".

of course this does not apply to you and me. having polled all my friends and relatives, i find they are all geniuses. although the definition of a genius is the one in a million person - 6000 in the world - , they all seem to be clustered around me.

nevermnd ..... pass me my meds.


Sunday, August 25, 2013


a moment of sadness this beautiful morning because julie harris died. it amazes me that even the best of humankind all wind up in the same place. crap....

vaguely i recall seeing her and charles durning in a performance at lincoln center many ages ago. " She appeared opposite Durning on Broadway once before, in The Au Pair Man at Lincoln Center."

Vivian Beaumont Theatre , (12/27/1973 - 1/27/1974)
First Preview: Dec 13, 1973 Total Previews: 17
Opening Date: Dec 27, 1973
Closing Date: Jan 27, 1974 Total Performances: 37

Category: Play, Original, Broadway
Setting: The home of Mrs. ELizabeth Rogers, London, England. Sometime in the not-too-distant present.

only 40 years ago. what did we do with the kids????????????????


Saturday, August 24, 2013


please don't impeach me. i confess i am a part of the worldwide conspiracy against super-right-wing-fanatic-conservative-republicans. although we'll never get rid of them, like cockroaches, we can at least slow down their ways and blunt their agenda. my simple advanced method is to smile a lot. if necesssary for survival join them and get their armband. you'll have to save your own butt like moderate republican congressmen do. ya, ya.

all together now:
"deutchland, deutchland uber alles .................... blah, blah, blah"


Wednesday, August 21, 2013


just throwin' this out as a tv show idea. the bbc has its upstairs downstairs. this is our answer to them. this show is about the relationship between the medical community class and the ordinary public.

this is not an ordinary hospital or doctor scenario. the theme of this series lies in the schism between the corporate masters from big pharma, the medical community and the general public; the delusions of the medical community as to their healing powers and the actuality of their failures, and the effects on the ordinary public. yes, there are things that they are really good at but some things are not curable and are doomed to failure and yet they persist in the medieval treatment. their goal being longevity not quality.

individuals and families affected by our medieval medical procedures and phoniness in medical practice and pharmacology today; sane people vs. fantasy oriented medical community. some being aware of their shortcomings, others faking it, and others motivated by profit and greed like corporations on the stock exchanges.

nevermind. just sayin'.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013


groan. its really dark at 5:30 in the morning when it should be light out as it was two weeks ago. the sun has come up exactly as predicted and calculated throughout the ages. apparently all the words spoken to the ruler of the cosmos for an adjustment to the sun's movement has come to naught. the sun continues to come up as always SCIENTIFICALLY predicted. so sad that you have absolutely no control.


Monday, August 19, 2013


no problem - all the yankees have to do is win 30 of their remaining 39 games. thats only 77% of their remaining schedule. then the playoffs and the world series - no sweat.


nfl starts sept 5. the ny giants and jets just warming up for their superbowl appearances at 1-1 each in preseason play.


GO GIANTS  and jets.


Thursday, August 15, 2013


going through some reading material and stuff i found that transplanting organs from one person (presumably dead) to another (presumably alive) at this age is possibly just an expensive labor intensive exercise.

take the 80 year old person who needs a kidney transplant:

if they are on the customary treatment; dialysis (a medieval torture which is used to exchange body chemicals with weird science chemicals enriching some corporation by about $70k/year/person and possibly in some way extending the poor soul's life expectency but decreasing quality of life significantly.), they can expect to live one year.

if they have successfully passed a physical exam for the purpose of obtaining a cadaver kidney they are put on a list and can expect to live three years by just being on the waiting list.

if they get the cadaver kidney and its properly installed and take all their prescribed drugs with side effects they can expect to live five years.

in the event this person is physically average and does nothing he can expect to live seven years.

your choice: one, three, five or possibly seven............................

just sayin'.


Thursday, August 8, 2013


just sayin'

even a genius, such as i, gets so-called writer's block. fortunately there are politicians to write about. some of the ignorance and medieval beliefs that they promote and promulgate is amazingly difficult to listen to. that a modern person can possibly say these things speaks badly of all teachers public and private.

republicans are especially visible like attack dogs. they threaten to destroy our country and society unless we surrender to their bizarre tenets. do what they say, but give up the government and reduce the taxes they don't pay. lucky for us their primitve beliefs and actions are not ubiquitous (ooops, sorry a phd word) and its sorta' a standoff between the greedy on one side and the greedy on the other side. and you thought only neanderthals and retarded modern men could be such jerks.

there do exist reasonable republicans such as chris christie. he in his own republican way appears honest, sincere, and intelligent. on the other hand there is that democrat self absorbed jerk anthony weiner. he should just go away.

yes -- i have nothing.

fondly, granpa.

Saturday, August 3, 2013


"what is that elderly man doing walking around in public/ riding the metro system/ shopping at the supernarket/ at the theater/ enjoying life?". being elderly is an embarassment regardless of all the bs about loving old people.

seems like there is a lot of hostility and anger out there against people who have lived too long. but there is also an insistence that your life must be saved and exrtended. there is no easy way out. so on one hand there is resentment on the other hand you are loved. like make up your mind. give me a break. 

medicare a true blessing?  i can now spend all my waking hours waiting in doctors' offices with sick people for the opinions of doctors who have trouble putting a swing set together.  yes, although you have very little time left, you can spend it all providing income to the medical community.

actually i can get an up to the minute, fairly accurate medical opinion from the cart boy at the supermarket without any delays, blood tests, biopsies, or bills.


its a mystery to me that there are so many medical corporations on the financial stock exchanges providing profits and growth of income to the company and shareholders while claiming to be so humanitarian?

Wednesday, July 31, 2013


just thinkin' of writing a tale of how the murder of trayvon martin resulted in the availability and transplantation of his kidneys to another: /working father/child prodigy/his own mother/his murderer/the governor of florida/a neo-nazi/an american jihadist/just average people. 

we follow the journey of his two kidneys and their successful implantation.  one is used in california. the other is used in alabama. both recipients are driven by trayvon's spirit tracking down the unrepentant murderer. the recipients on their quest travel through america's great landmarks and symbols of both good and bad freedom and justice - mount rushmore, little bighorn, gettysburg, trail of tears, washington dc, philadelphia, ellis island, and the statue of liberty.

during their travels the two recipients are restrained by wayne lapierre and reince priebus in nra hq in fairfax, va during a celebratory picnic party, and subjected to nra recruitment films. and a lecture as to the superiority of white gun owners. they escape and continue their quest.

the world is changed/not changed/destroyed/ spiritually worse or better/ or trayvon's spirit seeking justice and revenge guides both kidney recipients to the statue of liberty where zimmerman flees in fear, climbing out onto liberty's torch where he slips and the kidney recipients try to hold on to his tearing jacket sleave as he falls to his death.  justice done ..... ooops, sorry, ..... hitchcock did this in saboteur where the german-sympathizer-bastard who destroyed an aircraft factory and workers to save us from the jews and communists only meant well..   

at the end of the movie version we see and hear america the beautiful:

America, The Beautiful Lyrics
by Katharine Lee Bates - 1913

O beautiful for spacious skies,
For amber waves of grain,
For purple mountain majesties
Above the fruited plain!
America! America! God shed His grace on thee,
And crown thy good with brotherhood
From sea to shining sea!

Sunday, July 28, 2013


drug companies doing their R&D in china make a lot of sense. republicans and libertarians think its a great idea. obviously its cheaper, they don't care, there are no socialist regulation and restrictions like we have in our fascist-communist united states of america because of those liberals.  of course there may be some problems because asians do their work like they drive cars. sorta' like they're in a fog and don't  understand the rules. nothing personal but i think getting my drugs from people who don't put much faith in paying attention or safety is not a good idea. 

chinese seem to just do not care. 100 million chinese more or less does not seem to matter to the chinese government or the corporate world. its a question of your money or someone else's life. you do not recall but during the korean war they - china - sent waves of unprepared men against us in north korea and now their line is "look how many you killed".  i'm starting to tend towards agreement with general douglas macarthur's assessment at the time of nuking their coastal cities and crushing them. if they don't care why should we?  we're better than that? ok, want to be better and dead or not better and alive? 

face reality; a people are responsible for their government.


Wednesday, July 24, 2013


you will find that eighty-something is the best age ever. you can pretty much do whatever you want: don't attend family events because you can claim that you are dying; ignore important obligations because you can say, "i forgot. sorry, my memory is failing"; pretend not to see or hear; refuse eating offered food items claiming illness, allergies and drug interactions.

fine dining and eating out is no problem. ordering oatmeal straight-up anyplace is a culinary delight.

while 20 year olds will be in real trouble if medicated especially african-americans, you can be high as a kite or comatose and no one will care.

women can be a great experience. they can not possibly expect anything from you. when a gorgeous woman looks at you, you know that she is wondering how you got out of the nursing home or do you know where you are? smile a lot and see what happens.

its important to stay healthy. check out all possible symptoms to correct possible disorders:

being not hungry is a bad sign.
being hungry is a bad sign.

urinating often is a bad sign.
not urinating is a bad sign.

high blood pressure is a bad sign.
low blood pressure is a bad sign.

being thirsty is a bad sign.
not being thirsty is a bad sign.

losing weight is a bad sign.
gaining weight is a bad sign.

fast pulse rate is a bad sign.
no pulse rate is a very, vary bad sign.

be sure that that your will, funeral, gravesite, and other assorted details of your certain death are taken care of. your loved ones have other things to do. plan everything. you do not want members of your immediate family to lose work or school time especially considering the cost of college today. time of year is also important because of air fares or gas and other transportation, housing, and eating expenses. remember you're dead but they are not.

good luck. you'll need it.



Monday, July 22, 2013


(preface: the medical community is good at some things, like fixing broken bones and many surgical procedures when necessary)

60 years ago there were very few medications that could help anyone except in the most primitive of ways. if you were elderly you would be better off going to a tribal medicine man, shaman, acupuncturist or herbalist.

in the bronx you could always check into fordham hospital and die like my father and grandfather or check yourself out like my uncle and die at home. your choice.

these days the medication prescription menu is so large your doctor can cause you a lot of pain, grief and suffering while thinking he has prescribed great up to the minute medications. it depends on which sales rep spoke to him last.

i hava an accumulated experience with at least a dozen currently practicing doctors and another dozen who have treated me for one thing or another over 40 years ago. i have given them the benefit of any doubt and have found that some solutions worked out well and others of equal number were disastrous.

some medications were costly and produced bad results and i opted out quickly. in one case a high blood pressure type cure resulted in depression followed by the doctor prescribing a mood elevating drug. the combination over a year ruined some career opportunities. after dumping doctor and drugs i could never recoup my groove. another time i was prescribed drugs which gave me ankle swelling, water retention, and chest pains. i was told to not eat potatoes or tomatoes or carry heavy things. after giving up the doctor, and drugs, i started eating potatoes and tomatioes, carrying heavy things around and have had no problems for the past two years. clearly, medical science f##### up.

some doctors in some specialties recognize their inmpotence and have said (paraphrasing), "go play golf, you're going to die of something." or "in 20 years your condition will be serious, don't worry about it now".

other doctors are wedded to their textbooks and do not give up on their educational dogma. then there are also doctors that know that one size does not fit all and are willing to negotiate - a little- in a civilized way. meaning they don't get visibly angry (much) and don't throw you out when you start making your own decisions.

on another note, i get a bit uptight when the doctor refers you for traeatment with some company which is listed on the new york stock exchange. i think i too should get a share of the commission or some benefit from the government supported business for every day i stay away from them. there is big bucks involved as you know. 50% of the savings would be fine with me.

of course, in the long run the medical community can always say, " see, we told you so, he's dead".


Wednesday, July 10, 2013


you're kidding, right?

try as you might to make sense of world events, mainly because you are a fairly smart primate, everything is all messed up. not only messed up but random. you can't make this stuff up.

if you possibly believe that there is a higher being leading us, i'm sure he can't make this stuff up either.

although you may not see it, everything has been, is or will be screwed up. from large current events in the middle east; egypt, syria, afghanistan to the smaller chaotic events like the trayvon martin murder with the expected acquittal of his delusional murderer or the bizarre republican party agenda which make jihadists seem almost logical.

weather events have a bizarre uncontrolled quality all their own such as recent forest fires, hurricanes, and tornadoes. they surely demonstrate the irrational randomness of this universe.

but the one thing we can count on is that the sun will eventually get so large and hot that we will all be toast. well that's a relief because i was starting to think all was chaos.

just relax and wait for the authorities to knock at your door and take you away. they're only following orders. nothing personal.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013


jane doe.

she might as well say:
with lukewarm dishwater,
jane doe


gotta file my nails.
jane doe


comeback soon, y'hear,
jane doe
fondly is what a 17 year old boy does when he tries reaching over to his girl friend's shoulder.
fondly is what you do when fluffing a pillow before lying down to sleep.

anything would be better than "fondly", like you bastard, or [expletive].

fondly means to me that this is a total waste of time, energy and resources.

bye, fondly,

Sunday, March 31, 2013


probably the only place you can now get all the wonderful gourmet dishes of yesteryear and the great depression such as stewed cow's feet, stewed organ meats is in some upscale dining establishment starting at outrageous prices,  a dinner with a serving staff fresh, eager and energetic fully alive at college break.  because they have hair, no pot belly and have never actually tried working they think they are much better than you.  chances are they spat in your food before giving you that big endearing smile.  of course the disgruntled kitchen staff already spat or worse in your food.  this of course could be a good thing, building up your immune system.  that may be why donald trump looks so healthy.

this magnificent restaurant includes the fish tank with the lobsters on death row and the fish with bulging eyes awaiting your pointing finger.   there are palm trees and dim lights, to hide your rendevous with that lady at the office and so you can't see your food or badly cleaned dishes and silverware.



Friday, March 29, 2013


one day my mom told me she was an intellectual and a gourmet and sophisticated.  she got this idea from my aunt and uncle in baltimore who joined a club which was for intellectual gourmet sophisticates as stated in its charter. 

you too can be a card carrying member and hang out with sophisticated, intellectual gourmets (from baltimore).  be sure to tryout the mensa membership because in spite of the fact that people think you are a jerk, carrying a mensa membership will definitely enhance your self esteem and sexuality even though you are short, and dumpy and say things your great grandmother from poland would think doltish.  yes, i'm sure she would appreciate your Phd that you earned while sitting on your butt for those 300 college credits.

tall people can always kick the short people out of the way.  they don't need all the props.


Thursday, March 28, 2013


mrs. levitt made the greatest sandwiches.  i can still taste and savor the tuna fish sandwich she gave me at the n y world's fair in 1939.  it drove my mother crazy that i complemented mrs. levitt's cooking and food.  my mom thought of herself as both a great gourmet cook and nutritionist and scoffed at anyone else's efforts. 

when my mom heard that mrs. levitt fed her kids banana sandwiches for lunch (we came home for lunch during school hours in those days), she would laugh and say mean things about mrs. levitt's knowledge of food and nutrition.

anyway yesterday, i had my first banana sandwich, which is a peeled banana squeezed between two slices of wonder bread.  it was great even though i didn't have the wonder bread..  what took me so long.  you must remember the secret ingredient is a peeled banana.  squeeze it.  do not mash, shake or stir.

i believe her great tuna fish sandwich was composed of tuna fish, lemon juice, and mayonnaise on wonder bread.



Saturday, March 23, 2013


this was a classic hustle. andy enfield and wife have excellent credentials. florida gulf coast basketball is not some backwoods enterprise. georgetown was lulled to sleep by thinking this was an amateur team.
enfield is a hungry guy (and wife). the other coaches should meet him behind the pool hall.
hustler --------   ***********************************************************************************  

Thursday, March 21, 2013


being fearless, i am revealing my final four selection:
ohio state




busy, busy, busy.  first round of ncaa tourney starts today.  yes, i know, boise state played last night in the mini game, and lost, the winner, la salle, going to the real contests.  16 games today starting around noon, eastern time.  i'll have to spend the intervening time watching that great program, antiques junk show.


Monday, March 18, 2013

boise state selected for the big boys tournament -- ncaa men's basketball.  they're playing in the same tournement as duke, indiana, ohio state, etc. -- WOW.

the problem is that they start in a mini-game, the winner of which will then play a real contender.  and if they then win in the field of 64, then the ushers will dust off the seats and boise state may get some national recognition.

the committee might as well include all college teams into the tourney.  the lightweights will be eliminated quickly.  although we are all born with equal rights, we are not all equal.


Sunday, March 17, 2013


i may be wrong -- possibly.  duke does not look that good.  a #1 seed would sure help but they probably will not get it.


on the new pope :
“How I would like a poor church,” he said, one that was “for the poor.”

that sorta' breaks up the vultures on fox, and cnbc. just enjoying watching them feel uncomfortable.


Sunday, March 10, 2013


after watching women for most of my life, i am concerned about the mental health of women.  whether its their physiology or chemistry has yet to be determined but certainly their perception of reality is bizarre. 

my own mother claimed to read between the lines of any written or spoken language and interpreted it to suit her reality.

an acquaintance claimed that the wife of a particular person was murdered because we hadn't heard from her although they lived hundreds of miles away and were divorced.

many, if not all of them think men are putty in their irresistable hands.  so sad and very far from the truth.  strangely men still get married with the hope of .... whatever.


never argue with crazy people.


Wednesday, March 6, 2013


i am in conflict with my right wingnut self and progressive self.  if given a chance i can't guarantee that i'll vote or not vote in some future election for chris christie but he is definitely likeable and sensible and middle of the road on many issues.


and duke looks good for a #1 seed in ncaa bball.


Sunday, March 3, 2013


DNC NIGHTMARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

the .... ummm .... experts already have the presidency locked up and in the bank with HILLARY until 2024 and they say the self destructive republican party will take care of itself and wind up in hell.

not so fast big boys.  at the top of the non starters is that she may be too smart to attempt to run.  the second non starter is that she can lose.  the third non starter is that she can lose BIG against, chris christie, "THE JERSEY DEVIL".

chris christie has all the charms, sense of humor, and seriousness of character that you would expect from a person of italian, irish, and scottish descent and raised in the milieu of suburban jew york city.  i expect him to be a formidable opponent to the upscale, intellectual hillary clinton.

i can't see anyone at any level beating christie in a national election.  his only enemies are the extremists in his own party who can torpedo him.  on the other hand he may be too smart to enter the fray.


Saturday, March 2, 2013

Sauckel, Fritz
Chief of Slave Labor Recruitment
118"I was given this assignment which I could not refuse--and besides, I did everything possible to treat [the foreign slave laborers] well." (2/23/46)Soon after taking office, Sauckel had the governing authorities in the occupied territories establish compulsory labor service in Germany...His program resulted in the deportation for slave labor of 5 million people, many of whom had to endure cruel working conditions.Sauckel seemed confused during most of the trial....Historian Joseph Persico described Sauckel as "the least imposing figure among the defendants, a little man with a shining dome, sad brown eyes, and a silly mustache patterned after the Fuhrer's."Sauckel was hanged on October 16, 1946.

just sayin'

why do some of the nuremburg defendants remind me of some of our supremes?   i dunno.


Friday, March 1, 2013


sorry parents, we'll have to cut the percent of, "gifted and talented", and above average children from 100% to 5%, "gifted and talented", and 80% above average.  the selection will be determined by a lottery so you will know that there was no bias in the selection.  your children have as good a chance of being, "gifted and talented", as anyone else.  its democratic.


Thursday, February 28, 2013


we can now: cut the number of civilian dod incompetants (managers, engineers, bean counters, etc.) from ten per job to two; put horses back on the street to pull trolleys; gaslight at night; homeschool our spawn.  it'll be quaint.  yea!


Wednesday, February 27, 2013


american people will just love saving their money.  yes, can't wait for airports to install a couple of 40 watt bulbs like they have in kiev or toilet facilities like they have in Ivano-Frankivsk International Airport where upon entering you are met with a wall of stink requiring back pedaling quickly.


just a word about american empathy and charity ----

when in a fast food place in midtown manhattan, a person approached a table near me and asked the man there for a handout.  in an instant without hesitation the person reached into his pocket and gave the beggar a dollar.  i realized that in many parts of the world they know that another person would not beg for money unless they really needed it.

being, i think, a typical american i would ignore the beggar knowing there are places he can go to get sustenance or "just get a job".

then there are people from kentucky like rand paul who probably would give him a kick for motivation and laugh at him.

just sayin'.


Tuesday, February 26, 2013


the cheney/bush administration was convinced that history would vindicate them about going into iraq.  the history of the iraq invasion gets more bizarre day by day.  if cheney/bush thought they were doing something great they were wrong.  their twisted, deceitful thinking should shame all of us especially republican media people who supported their self-indulgent, greed oriented ambitions.

every day in every way that decision gets worse!!!!!!


Sunday, February 24, 2013


semihysterical historians in all their scholarliness attempt to dramatize their subject and i applaud many of them.  several history teachers have entranced me by their performances like one on, ancient greece, or another, napoleon, taking an empty, burning moscow. but some have tried to tell the story of why the ... scum ... ooops, sorry .. i mean germans messed up when they tried to bomb out britain instead of invading the british isles.

the ... scum ... ooops, sorry ...  i mean the germans really didn't have any intention of invading britain.  they wanted the easy way.  afterall they could drive through poland because they were still fighting with swords and horses and the terrain is flat, kansaslike.  they could bomb and terrorize the netherlands and belgium because those countries had no defenses.  france is for lovers and had a trivial defense supposedly impenetrable called the maginot line.  any three year old could figure out what the scum  ... ooops, sorry  .. the germans would do, which was go around it.  a no brainer.

when it came to britain .. duh .. they would do what anyone with an 80 iq would do.  they took the easy way.  just bomb the crap out of them ,, ya, ya, ya  .. gut..  they had no intention of invading by sea.

they took europe.  pillaged, burned, murdered, and stole everything in sight somewhat like what red ants might do.  of course just bombing britain and advancing into russia in the wintertime is not overly bright.  so they froze in russia and stayed too long trying to kill british civilians.

they got off easy.  after about 50 million people died they went back to beer fests and singing drunken songs.




Saturday, February 23, 2013


 the greatest blogger of all time was albert einstein since no piece can exceed 140 characters or you lose your attention challenged audience.  he described everything in 7 characters.




actually i've seen engineers and scientists make a successful career by just saying:


only four characters.


Thursday, February 21, 2013


i am wondering about a bizarre birth scenario.  suppose some mythical person, lets say her name is ... ummm ... (at random) monica ... and while with a man accidentally acquires a smidgen of his DNA and then accidentally touches herself and in a gazillion to one shot has a baby.  is he financially responsible for the baby?

i think the law is rigged against him and he must pay.



Monday, February 18, 2013



they say that every time you remember something it changes a little bit like a photocopy.  after recalling a memory a thousand times it may not be the same as the original real event.


being in retirement, in my dotage (sorta') i dredge up a variety of mysteries that have occurred in my life.  i have nothing else of importance to do.

the other day and for the first time ever i was thinking of the timeline and mystery of the following events.


in mid-april 1953.  i had just received my induction notice having volunteered for the draft.  bizarrely, no one has ever given me credit for this seemingly patriotic and unselfish act but are quick criticize me for any self-indulgent action. 

at that time, on a saturday, (april 18, 1953 was a saturday) as fortuity would have it i met a woman with whom i had gone to school.  we spent about an hour chatting and our talk as i recall included:

1. her hot date for that night.  actually she said something more descriptive and i recall thinking that i didn't expect her to act better..


2. she asked me to write to her when drafted.  the pen-pal thing has never interested me except for my parents because they can send money.



the korean war ended in july 1953, and my father died in november 1953, and my mother intimidated the U. S. government for my release because she wanted me home, i was discharged with full honors and benefits - whatever they are - and sent home in december 1953.

shortly - sometime thereafter (i know not exactly when), my mother, part of the intricate grapevine in my neighborhood told me that our next door neighbor. who didn't know where children came from but had two of her own. had told her that my not-pen-pal lady friend had married and had a baby boy.

one late afternoon in the summer of 1954 while parking on my street, my not-pen-pal, and some of her relatives who lived in my large apartment building happened to be walking past my car.  there was no sign of husband or baby.



the window of opportunity was really small.  only seven and one half months had elapsed from april 18 to december 10, 1953.  the period for, not-pen-pal, probably included a proposal, an engagement, wedding preparation and execution, and time to make a baby even though they say the first child can happen at any time.  don't look at me because i'm as innocent as a new born baby --- oops  -- scratch that, i mean as fresh fallen snow.



A. during the summer of 1955 chatting quite by accident with a distant relative of my not-pen-pal.  she did not respond when not-pen-pal was mentioned.  obviously she was part of the cover-up.  now baby, husband, and not-pen-pal had apparently disappeared.

B. my friend raymond's sister who curiously happened to live on the same street as my son awhile back died mysteriously they say of old age. many years ago she had also lived in an apartment previously occupied by a relative of not-pen-pal.  her husband was a government official possibly a secret agent seeking these people.  possibly, i know too much.

C. while in nyc on a trip in 2006, i stopped by my street in the bronx and found to my surprise that my building was gone with all the evidence replaced by a sinister group private one family houses with wrought iron fences.

is this is a huge conspiratorial coverup?


have i overthought this?


if i had corresponded with not-pen-pal, she could only write and tell me how great her life was and how i will probably fight, suffer and die for my country (for young dick cheney and george w. bush if she could have known about them).  obviously, she was busy doing a lot of things at that time.  actually, i just don't get it.

let's see; she is getting married, having a baby, changing diapers, and writing me.  sure, no problemo.

WOMEN ..... !!!  ???????


yes, i have nothing better to do with my time.


Sunday, February 17, 2013


duke lost to maryland yesterday.  mike krzyzewski is just going through spring training before the ncaa tourney.  don't worry about a thing.  its a certainty -- sorta'.


Friday, February 15, 2013


1988 (so what)

wow!  saw a few minutes of marilou henner on an idiot women's daytime talk show and was really impressed by her.  at 61 she really looks great and frisky as far as i could see on a small screen tv, 8 feet away with my old eyes.

she discussed her diet of no dairy products and the inclusion of legumes.  i followed her instructions for most of yesterday except for milk in my coffee and half a box of sweetened breakfast food and i already feel 50 years younger except for the pain in my leg which is getting better and a few other things.


Thursday, February 14, 2013


well do you expect any other college team to win?  i don't think so.  two weeks ago the sports media were declaring it was all over, picking michigan, florida, kansas, and others who are now in the toilet.

boring as it is, it will be duke, duke, duke.


Wednesday, February 13, 2013


yesterday, as i was thinking of my dream of being lost in queens, i recalled the only time i took a public bus from queens to the bronx.

i was on leave from the army (protecting america and young dick cheney) in november 1953 when my father died.  i arrived at mitchel air force base having gotten a lift on a B17 or B29 (one of those Bs) from a stop in st louis on my way from denver.  in order to return to THE BRONX i had to use public ground transportation and vaguely recall finally arriving in west farms square in the early morning.

although familiar with queens my sleeping-dream state has its own rendition of what that borough is.  in the 1930s it was a huge empty lot now converted to part of the megalopolis.


Tuesday, February 12, 2013


being a born and bred NEW YORKER thrown into the wastelands of northern new jersey, i continually have dreams of being in NEW YORK CITY.   but i have on many occasions gotten lost in the borough of queens on the transit system.

last night i was returning to class at my school in queens from midtown manhattan; was going to ask directions from the token booth guy when i realized that i didn't know the location of the school.  i excused myself to look at the subway map.  arriving at the map i realized that i didn't know what i was looking for.

there have been many dreams of this type.  sometimes i take the wrong subway train and find myself on one of the queens lines trying to get back to the bronx train line.  other times i will ride to the end of the line and then try to get a bus to the bronx going across one of the bridges to the bronx.

the queens of my dreams is rural like you see on commuter lines (like ---- ummm ... new jersey transit).  my conscious self has been on queens lines; like out to shea stadium, and other places.  my sub conscious does not seem to be aware of the the passage of time.  all of its time is flat.  all things are capable of happening at the same time.  that is things that happened in the 1930s and things that happened in 2012 are in the same time picture.

when i die my final word will be, "BRONX", like in , "citizen kane", when he said, "rosebud".  i am lost outside the bronx.



Monday, February 11, 2013

saw, "good people", at the arena stage on saturday.  surprisingly entertaining play.  in a background of boston ethnic irish, we see how pride, stubbornness, and chance can affect lives.


Thursday, February 7, 2013

THERE ARE NO 10s, OR 9s, OR 8s

sorry ladies but i made a some terrible errors in my analysis the other day as explained to me by my wife.  my bad.  under the strictest scrutiny  i have recalculated the lady ratings and have found amazingly that the top ladies of all time are in this order: my wife, sacawagea, jean d'arc, and my mother-in-law followed almost unbelievably by all the ladies in my family.


Tuesday, February 5, 2013


analyzing all the attributes of all (that means all) the women i have known or could have known or i saw in media (movies, tv, glossy magazines, etc.)  on a scale of 1 to 10, the highest rated woman is 6.43.  i have used the latest mathematical and statistical methods to evaluate both mental and physical attributes and stability using 50 separate characteristics.  if you need a companion it is recommended that an untrained doberman is preferable.


Monday, February 4, 2013


when the lights went out, where was hillary and why didn't she foresee it and do something about it? if i were rand paul i would fire her.


Friday, February 1, 2013


i'm really annoyed at the pretend elitists who claim they love the BBC news.  don't they notice that their reportage is not only not factual but also many times twisted and -- lets face it -- incompetent.  i watch BBC occasionally as i do, FOX NEWS, to see what's going on in the fantasy media world.

i see al jazeera has also joined the oil/financial complex although al gore their benefactor is in a denial state

anyway the important event this weekend is the ravens/49ers Super Bowl game.   i'm sorta rooting for the ravens but my gut thinks it will be a blowout for the 49ers.


the news of ed koch's death has just come over my tv.  the voice of reason, mayor koch, will be missed,


Wednesday, January 30, 2013


since my foot hurts today, i have two options:

1.  do nothing and it will go away in a few days.

2.  see a doctor and be examined -----


          "WOW, YOW"!"

                  "AAAAAGGGGHHHHHHHHH, YES!"





Wednesday, January 23, 2013

can't figure out why i don't get electrocuted when i submerge my electric toothbrush.  i guess you have to do it the old fashioned way.


Monday, January 14, 2013


wow, after 48 hours of football playoffs when i closed my eyes i was seeing little uniformed men running  around pounding each other, catching footballs dropping some on the run, kickoffs, assorted running plays.  whew!!!

thankfully i missed some of the most exciting moments.  my old cardiovascular system may not have been up to experiencing the last minutes of the ravens/broncos or falcons/seahawks game.  i tuned them out when they appeared to be over and then was surprised at how much i missed.

my real surprise is in the ineptness of the coaching staffs of both the broncos and falcons who thought they are superbowl contenders.  as you know the falcons survived their incompetence.


Friday, January 11, 2013


thinking about movies this time of year, i have decided to change my selection of the best movie to, "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind".  i fell in love with kate winslet.  i hope kirsten dunst, also in the movie,  my previous true love doesn't mind.

at 150 years old all you have left is your memories.  erasing even the ones you cringe at probably is not a good thing.  new experiences at this age is a mere sliver of how experiences affected you when you were a teenager.

the movie tends to examine the possibility of our life being prescripted and fated even if like a river a force can change its course.


the only thing never revealed is what reasons the kate winslet character has for being at the same location as the jim carrey character the day after the memory erasing procedure.  we know that the jim carrey character was there on a whim.   
