just throwin' this out as a tv show idea. the bbc has its upstairs downstairs. this is our answer to them. this show is about the relationship between the medical community class and the ordinary public.
this is not an ordinary hospital or doctor scenario. the theme of this series lies in the schism between the corporate masters from big pharma, the medical community and the general public; the delusions of the medical community as to their healing powers and the actuality of their failures, and the effects on the ordinary public. yes, there are things that they are really good at but some things are not curable and are doomed to failure and yet they persist in the medieval treatment. their goal being longevity not quality.
individuals and families affected by our medieval medical procedures and phoniness in medical practice and pharmacology today; sane people vs. fantasy oriented medical community. some being aware of their shortcomings, others faking it, and others motivated by profit and greed like corporations on the stock exchanges.
nevermind. just sayin'.
senior, old age, second childhood, sickness and death, ain't we got fun.