senior, old age, second childhood, sickness and death, ain't we got fun.

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Sauckel, Fritz
Chief of Slave Labor Recruitment
118"I was given this assignment which I could not refuse--and besides, I did everything possible to treat [the foreign slave laborers] well." (2/23/46)Soon after taking office, Sauckel had the governing authorities in the occupied territories establish compulsory labor service in Germany...His program resulted in the deportation for slave labor of 5 million people, many of whom had to endure cruel working conditions.Sauckel seemed confused during most of the trial....Historian Joseph Persico described Sauckel as "the least imposing figure among the defendants, a little man with a shining dome, sad brown eyes, and a silly mustache patterned after the Fuhrer's."Sauckel was hanged on October 16, 1946.

just sayin'

why do some of the nuremburg defendants remind me of some of our supremes?   i dunno.
