senior, old age, second childhood, sickness and death, ain't we got fun.

Thursday, August 8, 2013


just sayin'

even a genius, such as i, gets so-called writer's block. fortunately there are politicians to write about. some of the ignorance and medieval beliefs that they promote and promulgate is amazingly difficult to listen to. that a modern person can possibly say these things speaks badly of all teachers public and private.

republicans are especially visible like attack dogs. they threaten to destroy our country and society unless we surrender to their bizarre tenets. do what they say, but give up the government and reduce the taxes they don't pay. lucky for us their primitve beliefs and actions are not ubiquitous (ooops, sorry a phd word) and its sorta' a standoff between the greedy on one side and the greedy on the other side. and you thought only neanderthals and retarded modern men could be such jerks.

there do exist reasonable republicans such as chris christie. he in his own republican way appears honest, sincere, and intelligent. on the other hand there is that democrat self absorbed jerk anthony weiner. he should just go away.

yes -- i have nothing.

fondly, granpa.