one day my mom told me she was an intellectual and a gourmet and sophisticated. she got this idea from my aunt and uncle in baltimore who joined a club which was for intellectual gourmet sophisticates as stated in its charter.
you too can be a card carrying member and hang out with sophisticated, intellectual gourmets (from baltimore). be sure to tryout the mensa membership because in spite of the fact that people think you are a jerk, carrying a mensa membership will definitely enhance your self esteem and sexuality even though you are short, and dumpy and say things your great grandmother from poland would think doltish. yes, i'm sure she would appreciate your Phd that you earned while sitting on your butt for those 300 college credits.
tall people can always kick the short people out of the way. they don't need all the props.
senior, old age, second childhood, sickness and death, ain't we got fun.