senior, old age, second childhood, sickness and death, ain't we got fun.

Thursday, August 15, 2013


going through some reading material and stuff i found that transplanting organs from one person (presumably dead) to another (presumably alive) at this age is possibly just an expensive labor intensive exercise.

take the 80 year old person who needs a kidney transplant:

if they are on the customary treatment; dialysis (a medieval torture which is used to exchange body chemicals with weird science chemicals enriching some corporation by about $70k/year/person and possibly in some way extending the poor soul's life expectency but decreasing quality of life significantly.), they can expect to live one year.

if they have successfully passed a physical exam for the purpose of obtaining a cadaver kidney they are put on a list and can expect to live three years by just being on the waiting list.

if they get the cadaver kidney and its properly installed and take all their prescribed drugs with side effects they can expect to live five years.

in the event this person is physically average and does nothing he can expect to live seven years.

your choice: one, three, five or possibly seven............................

just sayin'.
