senior, old age, second childhood, sickness and death, ain't we got fun.

Monday, February 18, 2013



they say that every time you remember something it changes a little bit like a photocopy.  after recalling a memory a thousand times it may not be the same as the original real event.


being in retirement, in my dotage (sorta') i dredge up a variety of mysteries that have occurred in my life.  i have nothing else of importance to do.

the other day and for the first time ever i was thinking of the timeline and mystery of the following events.


in mid-april 1953.  i had just received my induction notice having volunteered for the draft.  bizarrely, no one has ever given me credit for this seemingly patriotic and unselfish act but are quick criticize me for any self-indulgent action. 

at that time, on a saturday, (april 18, 1953 was a saturday) as fortuity would have it i met a woman with whom i had gone to school.  we spent about an hour chatting and our talk as i recall included:

1. her hot date for that night.  actually she said something more descriptive and i recall thinking that i didn't expect her to act better..


2. she asked me to write to her when drafted.  the pen-pal thing has never interested me except for my parents because they can send money.



the korean war ended in july 1953, and my father died in november 1953, and my mother intimidated the U. S. government for my release because she wanted me home, i was discharged with full honors and benefits - whatever they are - and sent home in december 1953.

shortly - sometime thereafter (i know not exactly when), my mother, part of the intricate grapevine in my neighborhood told me that our next door neighbor. who didn't know where children came from but had two of her own. had told her that my not-pen-pal lady friend had married and had a baby boy.

one late afternoon in the summer of 1954 while parking on my street, my not-pen-pal, and some of her relatives who lived in my large apartment building happened to be walking past my car.  there was no sign of husband or baby.



the window of opportunity was really small.  only seven and one half months had elapsed from april 18 to december 10, 1953.  the period for, not-pen-pal, probably included a proposal, an engagement, wedding preparation and execution, and time to make a baby even though they say the first child can happen at any time.  don't look at me because i'm as innocent as a new born baby --- oops  -- scratch that, i mean as fresh fallen snow.



A. during the summer of 1955 chatting quite by accident with a distant relative of my not-pen-pal.  she did not respond when not-pen-pal was mentioned.  obviously she was part of the cover-up.  now baby, husband, and not-pen-pal had apparently disappeared.

B. my friend raymond's sister who curiously happened to live on the same street as my son awhile back died mysteriously they say of old age. many years ago she had also lived in an apartment previously occupied by a relative of not-pen-pal.  her husband was a government official possibly a secret agent seeking these people.  possibly, i know too much.

C. while in nyc on a trip in 2006, i stopped by my street in the bronx and found to my surprise that my building was gone with all the evidence replaced by a sinister group private one family houses with wrought iron fences.

is this is a huge conspiratorial coverup?


have i overthought this?


if i had corresponded with not-pen-pal, she could only write and tell me how great her life was and how i will probably fight, suffer and die for my country (for young dick cheney and george w. bush if she could have known about them).  obviously, she was busy doing a lot of things at that time.  actually, i just don't get it.

let's see; she is getting married, having a baby, changing diapers, and writing me.  sure, no problemo.

WOMEN ..... !!!  ???????


yes, i have nothing better to do with my time.
