senior, old age, second childhood, sickness and death, ain't we got fun.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013


if you think the medical community is there to help you, you are sadly mistaken. you are merely a money generating production unit. in this country keeping you alive and generating income is of primary importance - to the economy, to the medical community, to wall street. we will not let you die. pharmsceuticals, devices, and other weird science stuff will be tried out on you. screaming will not help. the medical community can do anything to you without law enforcement intervention. its part of the huge conspiracy.

many in the medical community actually think that they are helping you. even religious groups think they are helping by dogmatically stating that life is sacred. we will save you no matter what. our fascist multi-party government supports your pain and suffering.

they shoot horses. don't they? yes, because they cannot pay for their healthcare. if they or the govt. would pay for their healthcare i can assure you they wouldn't be shot.
