senior, old age, second childhood, sickness and death, ain't we got fun.

Friday, February 1, 2013


i'm really annoyed at the pretend elitists who claim they love the BBC news.  don't they notice that their reportage is not only not factual but also many times twisted and -- lets face it -- incompetent.  i watch BBC occasionally as i do, FOX NEWS, to see what's going on in the fantasy media world.

i see al jazeera has also joined the oil/financial complex although al gore their benefactor is in a denial state

anyway the important event this weekend is the ravens/49ers Super Bowl game.   i'm sorta rooting for the ravens but my gut thinks it will be a blowout for the 49ers.


the news of ed koch's death has just come over my tv.  the voice of reason, mayor koch, will be missed,
