if you really have no talent, which is most everyone (except you), you need the good book. most scientists, engineers, clergy, doctors, lawyers, and cook-housewives, etc. all go by their book. its too bad most people are just not smart enough not to go by the book. regurgitating and lots of talkin' may get you kudos in school, social situations and many work situations but may fall far short of solving real problems and situations.
take talented people for example: did ted williams have to take baseball instruction? did bobby fischer have to take chess instruction? did mozart need music instruction? ..... actually you bet they did but their natural talent cannot be learned.
as they say, " you can't make a "good" silk purse from a sow's ear".
of course this does not apply to you and me. having polled all my friends and relatives, i find they are all geniuses. although the definition of a genius is the one in a million person - 6000 in the world - , they all seem to be clustered around me.
nevermnd ..... pass me my meds.
senior, old age, second childhood, sickness and death, ain't we got fun.