senior, old age, second childhood, sickness and death, ain't we got fun.

Thursday, December 31, 2015




it is said that this night is the most popular night of the year to breakup a relationship. of course it is a bad night to have a relationship breakup. the winter is just beginning, its cold, icy, snowy, and there are few daylight hours for the next couple of months. and yet more couples split or start splitting on this night.

why do i mention this? because it is an important college ritual.

for me it was the start of the end of two college dating relationships i had. one was when my date wound up sitting on my friend raymond's lap and she didn't understand why i was angry. the other was when another date on another new year's eve date was real happy when a married guy with wife present sorta' grabbed her and kissed her. i guess that they were flirting and i didn't need any additional problems in my life. both relationships went down the toilet soon after.

walking home alone (free, free, free at last) on a dump night a week later i felt elated in the very cold, clear january night with brilliant stars in the sky and the exhilarating cold air in my lungs i was really happy to be by myself with not a care in the world.

am i going to wish you a happy new year? no, you may have whatever kind of year you want. you're on your own.



fortunately i'll go to sleep tonight around 8 pm. no longer am i obligated to attend mind deadening parties dying slowly in my chair with other married zombies losing IQ points and brain cells and hearing quantities of old wives tales and other misinformation.

haven't figured out what we're supposed to be celebrating on new year's eve: the end of another disastrous year; the beginning of a new disastrous year; that we are still alive for no reason at all; that when we subtract our birth year we are a year older; that your unemployment benefits have run out; that we are with friends who would sell you out for a cold potato.

for young people there are other new years eve events: its a good night for breakups; for a more ...ummm... physical relationship; for a less physical relationship; looking forward to college graduation and the end of your good life.

and my favorite - for the media and financial news for next year; continue making up your own facts; telling lies repeatedly for lesser intellects to believe; distorting events for kickbacks and payoffs.

and for small business: continue not paying collected sales or other taxes; may next year be the end of paying anything for hired help. they should be happy for the rainbow.

lets hope we can accomplish all we desire.



Tuesday, December 29, 2015


sure looking forward for trump the loser being president. attacking hillary, bill, christie, new hampshire leader and its publisher is reminiscent of wwii germany attacking the u.s.a,. russia, england and others and then being surprised when they lost only a crazy guy and followers would do it..

actually he's a nyc street kid and should be treated as such.


Saturday, December 26, 2015



they found my grand daughter's cat in a shed behind a house up the street after four days. he apparently hadn't eaten anything. up to now, food has magically appeared in a clean, neat dish. he probably never thought that he should or could find or catch food -- huh?.

where was the food? where is my dish? i know it will show up. it always has. i don't know what's wrong. ooooh, there's a disgusting mouse that just ran by. isn't that bird pretty. where is my food? i don't need them. i can make it on my own even if its a little chilly except i don't know where my food is.


Thursday, December 24, 2015


every few minutes they try to sell you something.

"this is hal your laptop. i'm here to help you today.
you can purchase this handy salad flipper for only ......."

yes we can make america great again by restoring privacy and kicking out all hucksters both human and robotic. republican presidential contenders first.



Friday, December 24, 2010


tonight (i guess) is the night baby jesus flies up your chimney to heaven. no, i think that's later. for some obscure reason children are showered with gifts tomorrow to celebrate this occasion. their parents who have toiled and sweated all year long to pay for these brats' presents will tell their undeserving spawn that they were delivered by a messenger of god. they will get a lot of masochistic satisfaction as their progeny are contemptuous of the whole event.

tomorrow afternoon will be the big final celebration dinner filled with alcoholic beverages, salty, fatty, and sweet foods. the then fulfilled parents, like salmon at the end of their run, will grab their chests, and fall head first into the dessert.

have a happy parturition, procreation, fertility day.


the xmas story seems to revolve around a couple named mary and joseph in bethlehem in territory that has currently been taken over by the palestinians. mary, pregnant from some unknown source (as she told her husband) is about to give birth but no palestinians step forward to be of any assistance. as usual (if they are there at all) they have their hands out but contribute nothing - maybe just trouble.


Wednesday, December 23, 2015


the german bund is alive and well in northern new jersey. if you are black, italian, jewish, muslim, et al. stay out of sussex county.

only straight laced people seem to be in northern new jersey until they are tested at the officers' club bar.

if your husband gets a job in nyc and has a cute secretary, he will leave one morning and never come back.

stone walls that weep are miracles of god. the media censors the news of miracles.

officer's wives are drunks.

prayer helps at least 10%. whatever that means.

gossips and the ignorant are just as flawed among engineers, scientists, teachers, and other professionals as among uneducated new arrivals from eastern, western, and southern europe.

LOVE IT OR LEAVE IT. prefer to leave it.




i must have slipped into an alternative universe, or my wardrobe sucked me into narnia or did i go through the looking glass. at any rate somehow the phrase corporations are people keeps pounding in my head. this is most bizarre and surreal. i wonder how this could have happened?

corporations are people...corporations are people...corporations are people...

i must have hit my head because this would be ridiculous. concussions and also old age cause delusions.

somehow in this time warp anomaly the supreme court must have had something to do with this and they did. y'know the supreme court is made up of old people and i wonder how reality based they are.

in this realm soylent green is people. i guess i may have gotten into the movie somehow.

sooooo, both corporations and soylent green are people. of course.


Tuesday, December 22, 2015




i lay down in bed last night.

realizing that a term paper was due this morning i knew that i needed my computer, paper, and pen to prepare my hand written paper.

pondering this revelation, it occurred to me that i may be dreaming.

if i weren't dreaming what was the worst thing that could happen to an old man if i didn't do the paper?

then a miracle happened i awoke.


in addition to dreaming of term papers due the next morning i also dream of final exams that i have not prepared for. having gone through life on the wing and a prayer and really not prepared for anything, i have managed to survive. no wonder i have bad dreams about final exams and term papers.


final exam at 10 am today.

i don't remember that.

its in contracts.

can't remember the last time i attended class.yes, i remember now - i think.

i should have prepared.

i'm on campus now.

students and staff are walking this way and that. what building, and room is it in?

i'd better go over to the administration building and find out.

yikes, its 9:30 already.

pushing my way through crowds on the hill heading towards the building.

there's a sign on the door.

it says the admnistration building has been moved to the other campus.

i'm on the subway now heading towards the other campus.

no i'm not. this train is going into the borough of queens.

the train is now traveling above ground.

all that can be seen is the shrubbery along the countryside.

i'll get off at the next stop and crossover to the otherside to get back to the city.

at the next stop there is a bus waiting that goes into the bronx over the whitestone bridge.

the bus ia a local and makes many stops.

finally arriving at west farms square.

home at last.

seems that thats where i wanted to be in the first place.



Monday, December 21, 2015


can't wait for the new administration. donald trump and daffy duck with the munchkin congress and they'll be singing:

Ha ha ha / Ho ho ho / And a couple of tra la las / That's how we laugh the day away / In the merry old land of the U S A.

wait. i may be in an alternate universe.


Wednesday, December 11, 2013


at three this morning i was thinking of blanche DuBois saying, " .... I have always depended on the kindness of strangers."

always happy to help out fellow writers i submit the following as improvemrnts to Tennessee Williams line:

" .... I have always depended on the kindness of the internal revenue service."

" .... I have always depended on the kindness of wall street stockbrokers."

" .... I have always depended on the kindness of rotweilers."

" .... I have always depended on the kindness of engineers."

" .... I have always depended on the kindness of car dealers."

" .... I have always depended on the kindness of subordinates."

" .... I have always depended on the kindness of management."

" .... I have always depended on the kindness of college boys."

" .... I have always depended on the kindness of boa constrictors and politicians."

to the writers of america: you are welcome.


Thursday, December 17, 2015


just thinkin' of the jebster. he reminds me of the mythical guy who hangs around at the dance waiting to pick up the last remaining desperate woman. sometimes it probably works out.


Wednesday, December 16, 2015


the republican party should put out a musical album saluting american greatness of yesteryear. suggestions
of items on the album are:

Brother Can You Spare A Dime? 1932 Rudy Vallee

Where Have All The Flowers Gone.. (1963) marlene dietrich

I'm forever blowing bubbles (1919) Burr & Campbell

When Johnny Comes Marching Home NANA MOUSKOURI

Green Fields of France by John McDermott


we'll meet again (british world war II song) Vera Lynn

Pennies From Heaven Sarah Vaughan

Erika - famous german marching song of WW2

On The Good Ship Lollipop Shirley Temple

and others ----

thanks to youtube for these references.


Monday, December 14, 2015


somehow many people today have been brainwashed to believe that you can always make money by buying stock (lol).

i think part of this is due to the belief that people think that the collapsing stock market is a liberal plot.

an army officer i know thinks its a badge of honor to lose money in the stock market like he just failed to wipe out an isis battalion but had to retreat bravely - sure yawn.

they are losing money on what they were told was a sure thing (rising stock prices) but they went broke. must be those liberals. no wonder they're angry.. my grandparents in the 1920s knew it was a gamble. today's young crowd thinks the market is a sure thing. just split the stock ... ummm ... tear it in half and you'll make a lot of money.

in 1941 my grandfather while babysitting me took me up to a place where you could day trade for small amounts. we were there a short time. he told me to watch the old time lighted stock ticker display for X (us steel) while he presumably made his bet. we left later. he must have lost his money. he was always broke.

you don't think investors are stupid or something? or its just something to do?


Monday, December 7, 2015


i'm surprised that anyone remembers this day. a day that will "live in infamy". i guess infamy lasts about five years.

the japs are great and so much fun.

sorry we dropped the bomb. it slipped.

ok -- would you rather have a lot of japs killed or lose your life invading japan. wait --- i'm thinking......

a friend of mine's brother was killed landing on a pacific island weeks before THE BOMB was dropped. i'm sure he had no problem with the above possible choice.


dateline january 2117:

king donald I, master of nothingness ascended the throne 100 years ago this month at his inauguration. it was the people's desire to devolve to the level of islamic extremists. a form of fighting fire with fire. today we are terrorist free primarily because of the artificial intelligence of the iPhone LCCCXVIII. our new king, coronated today, JEB! III will certainly strengthen us. DEATH TO THE EVIL ONES!!!!!

dateline dec. 7 2015

repubs are trying to get rid of trump:

I don't understand how you can swift boat trump because he never did anything. you'll have to attack his obvious nothingness. his nothingness is less than others' nothngness. he's more nothing than a black hole/outer space/my bank account/my comments/the invisible man/my job/obama's isis strategy/gop's isis strategy/faux news commentary (exclude shepard smith)/arab sincerity ------ never mind.


Tuesday, December 1, 2015


soon after i retired from my govt. DOD job my childless widowed brooklyn uncle died. i was the only person of a large extended family with rights in the united states (yea).

i sorta' ran around getting legal documents and collecting his liquid assets. distributed them to the nine canadian siblings/spouses plus one neice.

my dumbass uncle j---- threatened to get his own lawyer in canada like a canadian lawyer would want to get involved in such a small estate with so many heirs. he like his older son always has to be in the spotlight although probably the dumbest in the family and in spite of being almost blowhard sociopaths. he was highly insulted when told he had no standing in the usa since he was an illegal alien. why do canadians think they're part of the usa? his share was about $10k. my only american and canadian born first cousins do not have any inheritance rights concerning my deceased uncle because their fathers were still alive and canadian citizens.

this was a good activity for me as i had nothing to do and was getting antsy.

only me and one cousin living in brooklyn went to the funeral. i was a bit concerned after paying for the funeral as i had no way of knowing whether i would be reimbursed. not only didn't i expect repayment from all the loving relatives but outside of my cousin no one else showed up. she said there were assets in his estate that would cover costs but i don't recall that she reached for her wallet. even my wife was a little concerned. i assured her everything would be just fine ---- absolutely --- and it was.

its good to be an american.

The stars and the stripes, they are calling,
Three cheers for the Red,
Three cheers for the Red,
Three cheers for the Red, White, and Blue!


Saturday, November 21, 2015


i have always thought of myself as perfectly rational but last year being sick, and under heavy medication, i suffered from illusions (delusions?). in retrospect it was interesting.

although i now know the illusions did not exist, they were perfectly real and explainable to myself.

1. there was a black web which my visitors walked through and did not notice. i explained it to myself that this was a major hospital where all sorts of strange experiments are probably occurring. i thought the hospital was probably projecting this web only to me.

2. a light fixture was being fed paper and printing a variety of pictures (art works, maps, pornography, architectural drawings, etc.). these pictures were moving across the ceiling. i did not understand why others did not see this. i finally believed that they were not concentrating enough. although my daughter told me later that delusions are not
uncommon in hospitals.

i must mention the night i wanted to teleport myself home although that was mainly a realistic dream. i was sorta' partially awake. in order to actually teleport myself home i really unhooked catheters and tubes and stuff to prepare for my escape finally setting off an alarm to which a nurse responded. thinking that i would be at least sent to prison for this brazen offense i offered the nurse a bribe not to mention this event. she said she had to report it. i was doomed, doomed, doomed.

the next morning i noticed i had not moved an inch. my teleportation efforts had failed. no one knew of my adventure or cared.



Thursday, November 19, 2015


just quit the nyt. they're just too fussy for my comments, must be too smart, civilized, sophisticated, intellectual, bleeding heart, whatever.

they might say Abdelhamid Abaaoud was such a nice boy/good to his mother/sense of humor/ always smiling/charitable/kissed babies. he understandably turned radical when someone kicked his dog/didn't tip him at the pizza place/charged him on the subway/metro/cut him off in traffic/women didn't succumb to his charms/failed to get his welfare check/lithium.

when properly explained suicide bombing is totally understandable. what else could he do?

i think all the good muslims will have to redeem their reputation on their own. its not my fault and its not my job. whining doesn't help. just do it.


Wednesday, November 18, 2015


yes - we'll always have paris.
i know all american muslims are nice family people but its unavoidable to think "suicide crazy bombers". how can you fix it?????
try joining our armed forces. i dunno? can we trust you??? i dunno.
you look honest. i dunno.
you'll have to figure it out yourself.
we'll always have paris.

i still can't figure out how such a small number of crazy, superstitious, delusional, ignorant people has everyone looking under their beds for suicide bombers and arguing among themselves like "the three stooges" ??????????


Sunday, November 15, 2015


just to let the world know that my religious beliefs are the only ones that have any credibility.

i believe in a multiple spirit system which makes perfect sense to me. the main and dominant ones are:

1. DUMDUM - of male persuasion, representing dumb luck and totally out of control, prefers bar hopping, and women for company, is on vacation most the time, and is the main alpha spirit dominating all.

2. LADY LUCK - beautiful and fickle.

3. MURPHY - the murphy of murphy's law. as you know -- anything that can go wrong will go wrong.

there are lesser spirits vying for recognition. too bad, suck it up.

Wednesday, November 11, 2015


i am really surprised that the nyt actually put this in their comment section. not being or even attempting to be a (lol) mensa member and having written this past my usual bedtime i didn't expect this to meet their criteria for comments.


just adding my 2 cents.

in my day we called these scenarios grand mother's tales and the people that told them were gossips.

although (i think) occam's. razor the simplest explanation for some event may be most probable (as you know) is among an infinite number of possible stories. no one can possibly know all the facts leading up to and causing an event.

in my humdrum world i've heard stories that a relative supported his parents. partially true but mostly false. his parents mostly supported him. i don't know all the details.

a friends house was purchased by his grandmother/father's inheritance/plain frugal living/winning the lottery/unscrupulous mortgage co./murdering the previous owner/drug money.

he broke up with his girlfriend because he was a womanizer/she found a better guy/he didn't trust her/she got a great job in L. A./he has a terminal disease/she needs dental work/he joined special forces/she was married to another as was he/it was mutual.

that's my point. we cannot know the truth and we are all subjected to made up stuff.


Tuesday, November 10, 2015


germany trying to escape the stigma caused by them when murdering people in their ... ummmm ... concentration camps should try to lighten up by changing the name for the flood of muslim middle easterners.

suggestions are:

mideast assembly

comrades society

friends village

fraternity lodge

buddy site

work ----- macht --oops-- makes you ----- frei ---- oops happy.


Friday, November 6, 2015


in the movie citizen kane's last word was, rosebud, which was the name on his sled when he was a kid, presumably his happiest time.

my "rosebud" moment occurred in a dream the other night. although i'm still alive, i dreamed that i received a gift of an apple ii computer with disk drives. i owned an apple i in about 1980. this apparently was my "rosebud". in the dream i was very happy for this gift. i was only about 40 years old when i actually had my apple i. yes, apple i. dreams are not always totally true.

loved that machine. didn't get a new computer for about 10 years. wow i was really out of date.

in those days computers did not try to sell you stuff. now i can't escape the hucksters. i had to return a dell because i couldn't escape salesmen and ads.

in the good old days computers actually could do stuff.


Wednesday, November 4, 2015


superjeb can do and fix anything. "Faster than a speeding bullet! More powerful than a locomotive! Able to leap tall buildings at a single bound!"

"Look! Up in the sky!"
"It's a bird!"
"It's a plane!"
"It's Superjeb!"


Monday, November 2, 2015


nothing like the appreciation you get when you are charitible. the recipients never think you gave enough.

my wife (about 20 years ago) told me that a volunteer was needed to escort a (sorta') refugee family from our new jersey town to another where they could get english lessons. the place was several towns away on the commuter line and a walk of five streets. being frugal i never expected that this would cost me anything. i volunteered because it might be an interesting adventure.

i drove them from where they stayed to the train station and bought tickets expecting to be repaid. they were totally disinterested in the new jersey (ugh) landscape as we rode by,

after we got off the train the family wanted to take a cab on my dime. by this time i was becoming a bit annoyed at them. who the hell do these beggars think they are? for homeless refugees they sure have nerve. i already unexpectedly got stuck with their transportation and train tickets. angered i told them we would walk the five streets.

in my town other people (crazy do-gooders) tried to accommodate them with stuff. they wanted one family's living room set. their son wanted to be a doctor and i had some recent books from some advanced college biology courses i was taking for my amusement. they turned them down presumably because they were a year old.

i waited at the facility until they were finished and brought them home.

on another occasion i brought some stuff to a church in morristown for the down and out and some were presumably homeless. they got a free lunch and some services, if requested. i carried some things for one of the people. that person i realized was healthier and stronger than me (suckerrrrr!).

when leaving one of the people started cursing me. i know that they were not normal but taking abuse is not one of my strong points.

no good deed goes unpunished. i must control my finer instincts.


Thursday, October 29, 2015


i can see trump and carson running for president and vice president:

trump: between us we own over 50% of the republican vote. i'd like you to be my veep.

carson: ho hum - ok. but we may lose the election.

trump: i know but we'll be written in history. you can't buy history.

carson: true - lets go for it. yawn.....


Tuesday, October 27, 2015


y'know everyone concentrates on the downside of being old. there's an upside which most ignore.

on the upside:

you get out of doing trivial demeaning activities.

"take out the garbage". "i''m too old and weak".

you can fake stuff

my arm hurts.

never be embarrassed

your pants fell down.   who cares.

avoiding visitors

bratty children with colds and other people keep out.

get out of doing anything

sorry, i forgot.

pretend you're deaf



Sunday, October 25, 2015


i am recommending the following films whose stories involve persons of irish descent.

"only the lonely"

"the catered affair"

"a tree grows in brooklyn"

movies i liked with interesting people.

bye, have a nice day.


Friday, October 23, 2015


the republican benghazi committee made total fools of themselves interrogating hillary yesterday in the most ungentlemanly way. they have no shame she was there for about 12 hours taking indiscriminate republican fire. up to yesterday i felt reluctant to go to the polls but repub bad behavior and hillary's clear and honest answers convinced me to vote for her.

the committee convinced me that they beat their wives.

frequent breaks by the men showed that men need 30 minute breaks before they can go again. y'know what i'm sayin'?

she was under oath i believe so her testimony must have been ok.

women are certainly stronger and smarter than men especially republican oafs as demonstrated.


Thursday, October 22, 2015


freedom (ughh) party becoming civilized? where's cliven bundy when you need him?

btw: i'm sending jeb!'s pac 100 million dollars today. he needs it to fix the election and the supreme court. where's my checkbook? go jeb!. go jeb!. just go.


Tuesday, October 20, 2015


a class from a local charter school (in ..ugh... nj) would arrive and meet at the local YMCA. they arrive in a rusted out, unsafe appearing vehicle.

the ...ummm... so-called teachers consisted of one seedy looking older man who seemed to mostly to sit and watch the .ummm.. activities and two dried up women who might qualify for wicked witches from OZ or macbeth. none of them appeared to be qualified.

charter schools are profit making sorta' faux educational businesses. much of the time the kids played dodge ball. a game where they try to kill each other with a ball. very educational for future republicans.

it was interesting that the shortest kid, a wise ass tried to insult and demean me. it must be that he never came up against an adult who responded to him for fear of losing their job.

well this should be fun i thought. a few choice remarks about losing his hair and death could ruin his life and could make him sufficiently neurotic to be in need of professional analysis.

i am such a softy. i just called him "shorty" hoping the other nasty kids may pick up on it and make him slightly miserable. i am so nice.

anyway --- in conclusion education is not a business. kill charter schools.


Monday, October 19, 2015


"NBC News reporter Ayman Mohyeldin was corrected on-air yesterday after a live report that implied a Palestinian terrorist who charged at officers brandishing a knife didn’t have a weapon on him."

so called nbc reporter is a propaganda plant for palestinians and muslims. nbc didn't correct him the other day for over a period of an hour until truth was somewhat revealed. he made out that an innocent young palestinian was shot in the back by israeis. the innocent young palestinian broke through a secure checkpoint in a camouflaged shirt wielding a knife in one hand and some other item (not identified yet) in the other and threatened others ran down to a gate for tourists and visitors with these weapons and was shot.

why is this person still employed by nbc when others have been fired for much, much, much less. i see christiane amanpour (cbe) is still around also. get rid of her - another liar.

"MSNBC reporter Ayman Mohyeldin had to be corrected on-air on Wednesday..."

fox news seemed to be the only network who got this story straight.

i watched this story unfold for over an hour. the only thing i was impressed by was the loyalty of jose diaz ballart trying his best to make excuses for this scumbag mohyeldin. does anyone else on msnbc have the cajones to tell it as it is?


Sunday, October 18, 2015


in the book catch 22 (1961) there is a segment called the man in white. it describes a wounded soldier in a hospital bandaged from head to toe. he presumably receives nutrients via a clear liquid through a tube connected to an I V.

another tube connected to a bag on the floor collects a clear fluid from the man in white. a nurse periodically switches bags.

eventually they take him away presumably dead.

although i read this book over 50 years ago this scene remains with me.


having been in the hospital and icu several times last year i can tell you similar stuff like this happens all the time.

never mind.

have a good day. yea, yea, yea.



Wednesday, October 14, 2015


deliberately missed the dem. debate yesterday. i'm drowning in political bs.

whatever hillary says just doesn't matter: her day trading of cattle futures and making a lot of money is enough proof of her character.
at least donald trump would probably say he knew some powerful people who can do this.

if i vote it will probably be an against republican vote.


Wednesday, October 7, 2015


an article on the internet this morning said that milk from another species is bad for you (cows are not people although corporations are.) and if you're not a baby all milk is bad for you.

as you know all cheese, ice cream, and butter and many cakes, cookies, sauces, etc. are made from milk.

does anyone out there besides big pharma know what they're doing? i doubt it.
we can sell you a pill which can neuter milk for ... ummm .. $1000 a month.
thanks suckerrrrrrrr's.

can republicans really sell you on this crap? i guess so.


Tuesday, October 6, 2015


my wife's family owned a house in eastern europe over 100 years ago. out of curiosity we visited the town about 20 years ago. the authorities knew of the pre-nazi, pre-communist ownership.

two reasons we didn't press our ... ummm ... rights if we had any were:
who wants a house in eastern europe bastardland and the possible division of a house sale at that time was very little. not worth any effort.

i sorta' did a very rough calculation dividing the number of possible heirs (500?) into my estimated value of the house although appearing well maintained in a sorta' remote east european town and came up with about $20 american.

the people actually living in the house may have claims for their improvement of the property or some other stuff. i wouldn't be surprised if pressing our claim would cost our family a lot. also eastern europeans may want to kill us besides.

never mind. keep it!

.........i know nothing.............


Monday, October 5, 2015


i guess i appear to be a mentally and physically falling apart old man. every one wants to help me. the sales person at the store asked me about putting in the new fixture. i told him i know it is very complicated, "you put the black wire with the black wire, the white wire with the white wire and the ground wire with the ground screw or ground wire". i know this is very tough for phd scientists and engineers but i'm a genius.

drum roll....


Saturday, October 3, 2015


i'm starting to think trump could do just as good a job at foreign relations and defense as the presidents back to and including reagan.

in trump's defense dept.:
sec'y of defense elmer fudd
sec'y of air force bugs bunny
other top positions should include, wiley coyote, daffy duck, et al.
and porky pig for leader of the house of rep.


Friday, October 2, 2015


doing my best to become a skins fan in addition to my personal favorites, giants and jets. skins have disappointed me game after game. i might as well stick with the ny/nj teams, win or lose. sorry, skins.


Thursday, October 1, 2015


people think he'll never get his agenda legislated because of republican strength in the congress.

clearly if sanders gets nominated and elected president all the bizarre gerrymandering, supreme court rulings, and all the king's horses and all the king's men will not be able to put the republican congress together again.

i'd be relieved that their twisted, untrue views of reality would be thrown out with the garbage.


Saturday, September 26, 2015


i have found my calling doing nothing. i'm good at it.

i retired early on the exact day i was eligible. upon my retirement i got advice from the management:

division chief large caliber "you can always quit".

section chief tech services directorate, "no one ever quits".

project leader, "after all we've done for you.... you're quitting?".

YES, I QUIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Friday, September 25, 2015


Zip- A- Dee-Doo-Dah, boehner's retirement song is better than mine which is blue skies.

blue skies shining on me
nothing like blue skies do i see.......

my associates did not believe someone could do absolutely nothing and make no money. i'm average income wise but like boehner i'm comfortable and continue doing nothing, yea, yea, yea..

blue bird singing a song
nothing like bluebirds all day long.........


Saturday, September 19, 2015


ny times 9/18:"Mikado’ Production Canceled Over Racial Concerns"

its the same production since 1885 - a classic.

next thing these liberal intellectual cripples will complain about will be: the godfather, fiddler on the roof, a tree grows in brooklyn, the bible old teatament and new.


Wednesday, September 16, 2015


trump and his illegal toxic hair should be deported back to ... ummm ... kenya?

this second rate billionaire should "be out of here so fast your head will spin" - trump.

we don't want any fraudulent wackos from kenya.
look at that hair... ugh. not presidential.

when he shows proper documentation maybe we'll let him back in the USA..

i want to see trump's long form birth certificate from kenya.

i don't accept contributions. i am spending my own money for this computer.


Friday, September 11, 2015


we don't forget. i'm teared up right now thinking lf it.

of another event: being very young when pearl harbor occurred only makes me angry. forgiveness is not in my genetic makeup.


"United Airlines Flight 93 was a domestic scheduled passenger flight that was hijacked by al-Qaeda on September 11, 2001"

yes i listened and grieved for these people and this great country but i also think often of the possible coverup of the downing of another plane twa flight 800 in july 1996 witnessed by many, many people who agree it was shot down. i truly believe we are being lied to in this case.

GOVT. engineers say it was the fuel tank. govt. engineers all respond politically. so strange that the fuel tank had gas fumes. just sayin'. i worked with DOD engineers for 30 years.


if we lived with supreme court decision in bush v. gore then kim davis can live with same sex marriage decision or stay in jail.

nuthin' much going on.


Tuesday, September 8, 2015


kim davis, of rowan county, kentucky, a modern day, joan d'arc, apparently willing to be burned at the stake to uphold her beliefs. not a very smart move when your job description conflicts with your beliefs. don't take the job or quit the job.

during the 'nam war my religious leader wanted to hold a special session for people working for DOD because of the plight they cause the vietnamese, no one showed up. perhaps i should have refused to do my job since i would find that it would be very difficult to harm another person.

have you noticed that the refugees that the media claim to have been in squalid, terrible camps for at least a week appear to be so clean and healthy. i look more soiled after eating breakfast.


Monday, September 7, 2015


somehow although its a mystery to me doing nothng has gotten a bad reputation among the common people like engineers, salesmen, small business men et al. this particular attribute is my strong point. i've been doing nothing for almost 30 years now, 84 years if you include my government service and youth. when i retired from my DOD job with the incompetants and idiots: management, peers and subordinates. actually i was working hard trying to be invisible and doing nothing at DOD even though my brain broke through my resistance at times and i actually did something for mankind (see: Saturday, August 22, 2015 titled MY BOOK. on this blog).

strangely those doing the least and are most confused seem to be most adamant that they work hard. did ted williams or joe dimaggio or me work hard? absolutely not because we are talented and know what we are doing.

my future plans are to continue on my present path. i don't need fame, fortune, or approval from self proclaimed experts.

other people slow you down, stop you in your tracks, discourage you, or come off the bench and tackle you. even if you want to do something it is difficult to get past the nay sayers and your depressing so called friends. they say they can do anything but upon close scrutiny they are useless.

it is so sad when i meet older people who can't seem to give up the so-called work ethic. they'll do anything to prove their worth. i guess being a DONALD i am born with the talent of being able not to do anything. people should do things for me.

i think i have almost achieved excellence in being useless. each day in every way i am more useless. yea, yea, yea........


Sunday, September 6, 2015


pain and suffering are conditions that i cannot abide. i am not good bearing these conditions. while in the hospital and suffering which i am not good at. i asked the doctor to just kill me. he said, it wasn't on his list of treatment options. i was thinking about a painless and quick exit from this life and i came up with nothing. the robin williams choice seemed too severe even for my unhappy state.

during my second hospital admission after the transplant i was feeling so miserable i thought that was the best time to exit. i was feeling so bad i wouldn't have noticed that all organs had ceased to function.

i am not looking forward to a replay of this type event or worse before the end.

bye. aaarrrgghhhhhh...............

wait! i'm hungry. pass the pizza and beer.


Friday, September 4, 2015


shopper's supermarket sells "spoon size shredded wheat" for about two bucks. kashi sells the same stuff called "autumn wheat biscuits" for about four dollars. the best of this type product is called post's "shredded wheat spoon size" sells for $3.29. the price difference must be in the name.

the large size biscuits cost about $2.70 at shoppers.

the truth is now out and i am relieved.



wondrin' who that interesting, attractive woman is standing behind trump's left side at thursay's trump hour. i feel sorry for her. she's sixty years too late for me.



Thursday, September 3, 2015


is jeb really going to go head to head with the donald? thats definitely a loser, loser, loser for the bush family. going up against a new york city bred wise guy is not a good idea.

this reminds me of the movie, dead end, where the rich kid keeps taking it from the street wise dead end kids.


Wednesday, September 2, 2015


why do they call a stock market crash a correction?

why does a delusional war criminal ex vice-president think he has anything worthwhile to say? shouldn't we resurrect nuremberg trials for him and his peers.

did mrs. L only want to give me milk and cookies in about 1947 when she offered to give me milk and cookies - probably. reminds me of "Occam's razor......... 'law of parsimony') is a problem-solving principle..........The principle states that among competing hypotheses that predict equally well, the one with the fewest assumptions should be selected. Other, more complicated solutions may ultimately prove to provide better predictions, but—in the absence of differences in predictive ability—the fewer assumptions that are made, the better......."


Tuesday, September 1, 2015


the myth that van gogh cut off his ear for a woman is make believe. he cut his ear while shaving. you can see that he gave up shaving as he grew a beard. i cut myself every time i shave. .......... Van Gogh threatened his friend with a knife before turning it on himself and mutilating his ear lobe. Afterward, he allegedly wrapped up the ear and gave it to a prostitute at a nearby brothel. .......... women!!!!!!

who was the girl who jumped into my lap at marcia's sweet sixteen party in 1946 (? 1947 ?)?

why was einstein's hair so messy? i suspect he wasn't smart enough to find a barber.

i know there are very few who have any interest in my thoughts and comments thats your problem not mine.

i had no choice. i think when i signed up for an unknown reason now to huff. post they signed me onto facebook. i personally don't need a thousand friends or even one. any friends are annoying. i certainly don't need anyone's approval. stay away! beware of the witch/dog/disease/poison/guns/crazy old man. thank you.


Monday, August 31, 2015


lol that donald trump is the best that republicans can nominate for prez.

as an entertainer and gossip he can always get a job w/hbo after the bill maher show.


Sunday, August 30, 2015


i get very involved with movie actors characters on screen and off. i empathize and feel their pain in life and on the screen.

herbert marshall a weak and sick character for one is subjected to a neurotic, emotional and erratic bette davis in the letter and in the little foxes. not only does she cuckhold him in the letter, she hurts him financially and murders her lover. at the end gale sondergard avenges them all. in the little foxes she deliberately doesn't give him his heart (or something) pills. poor guy. i guess he gets some revenge by becoming an enemy agent in foreign correspondent. he is really messed up at this point.

cindy williams who was a sweet high school girl in american graffiti with the greatest music and cast of all time. she went downhill as she hooked up with penny marshall as two very common young people in laverne and shirley. fortunately she married well and has at least one child. mackenzie phillips does an amazing job. so sad that she was hooked on drugs.

among others i am also concerned about is elizabeth perkins whose heart was broken when tom hanks turned into a little boy in big. she seems to have gotten over that adventure.

having fallen in love with julianne moore i was disappointed when she played women who were less than virtuous in various movies such as elektra lux (she was uncredited as virgin mary).

gotta go. bye.

Saturday, August 29, 2015


interesting day yesterday.

watched the trump hour. he puts on a great show and knows about as much as any other republican politician. cannot compare hillary with the republican field. her background is exponentially better then others. from being a college and grad school scholar to holding prestigious offices for the government. i would like to see other politicians emails. probably full of ashley madison type of communications with pictures of their sexual attributes like anthony weiner et al. revealing stuff but not allegedly classified incorrectly. their penises are not classified.

i find trump very entertaining. just an entertainer is great but should not be enough to be president although this puts him a leg up over most of the field. fiorina and kasich might be acceptable.


george w bush had the nerve to show up in new orleans and actually make a speech how he saved us from katrina. i guess republicans with their heads up their ass were his audience.

next week (i think) before the trump, cruz show we'll have the honor of having to listen to, cheney, our version of emperor nero who would burn his own country for his own benefit.

In 64 AD, most of Rome was destroyed in the Great Fire of Rome, which many Romans believed Nero himself had started in order to clear land for his planned palatial complex,........... he committed suicide on 9 June 68 (the first Roman emperor to do so).......

we're more civilized. cheney will eventually die naturally and will elbow his way to sit next to jesus in the hereafter or will he probably elbow out jesus or ..... never mind.


Wednesday, August 26, 2015


dropping dead might be the best alternative to going through all the crap, pain, suffering and demeaning life you have when going and sorta' living at the hospital or rehab facility. you're going to endure all this stuff when you actually die. no sense going through this again.

i was doing fairly well and about to be released when my therapist came to work with a cold. being that the therapists seemed to really need their pay i went with her to the therapy room where i believe i caught her cold.

even with the cold i signed out and went home. hasta la vista. it was a good decision even if it set me back physically about two weeks.

it did not improve my mental health much (just a little) except that physical and mental health seem to go together at least for me.

i learned that even old people who seem to be mentally challenged and do not talk or are inert can be active mentally and smarter than most people who are walking around running their mouths.

the woman across the hall from me sat outside her room in complete silence with her eyes closed. i am sure she was able to take in the hallway society and culture providing her with entertainment and mental activity.


Saturday, August 22, 2015


i give up being modest. it gets you no place. check with donald trump.

i searched my name and middle initial and found a couple of my booklets with new covers for sale on amazon at outrageous prices. these are public documents generated while employed by DOD. anyone can copy and reprint them from (i think) the defense documentation center. the vender must have sold one or more of them as they have new covers. why bother if there are no suckers out there. all were published in the 1960s and 1970s.

why would anyone want them? then again even the dead, dead dead sea scrolls have value and they were written by cavemen.

btw, my idiot (defense dept.) boss did not want to spend the govt. play money on my work. months after publication i got a letter from the command that one item was valuable and i got requests for it 'til i retired.

on the advice of a fellow slave i asked my new boss (as you can see my anal-rententive old boss and i did not get along) for some sort of award which was common. he said, "write it up"). i said, "that's your job. i have other things to do.". for some reason unbeknownst to me i never received anything.

on another project generated by myself i received $50 which my boss proudly gave me. i said, "what's this. my cigars cost more than this".

i have other whiny, boring stories from which i'll spare you.

and you ask why did i retire early?

my point is that i have an item being sold on amazon and you don't.


Thursday, August 20, 2015


when will the trumpster start promoting some of his people for congress. i suspect that many of his supporters have been disillusioned by the so called tea party. we need a new face on congress.

when will jeb drop out? have you noticed that he doesn't look well. he hust doesn't have the energy to be president.


Wednesday, August 19, 2015


(this item was originally about the minimum wage. after many revisions it has turned into the following.)

while receiving most of my room and board from my parents and attending CCNY (mostly free) in 1951 i worked about 18 hours a week making $1 an hour which is now worth about $9.18. i used most of this minimum wage money with the aide of my father's car on dates and weekend expenses. much too much to throw away on some girl which i did.

the girl in this case was elaine#2. she seemed to think this new found wealth was coming to her. she was initially likable but quickly became a pain. she was really pissed when dumped. actually i just walked away with no excuse. she'd have to figure it out for herself.

too bad you married guys in the u.s.a. can't just walk away.

with a clear head we met again by chance in about 1954 at rockaway beach in bklyn, ny. her cousin with her started talking to me while she was standoffish. i was wondering what i saw in her but was nice enough to give her another chance by calling her. finding that she still was delusional i pretended that i couldn't feed the pay phone i was calling from with the required coin. bye, bye, elaine#2.

good decision - lesson learned: never throw good time and money after bad.

was this a mistake: spoiling the girl i was dating? actually she was probably spoiled before i got there.

anyway as you can see i've got nothing today.

(i'll get back to the minimum wage problem some other time).


Tuesday, August 18, 2015


as i told a co-worker who was troubled (believe it or not) because of her promotion that she didn't think was deserved, "the fix is always in except that this time it is for you.".

speaking of fixes, i see that jeb is moving up (place wise) in the polls. i would never accuse the poll takers that they were dishonest or unscientific but as we all have seen there are many, many tricks and illusions with which we can be fooled. jeb's backers are the same bunch that have reaped extraordinary profits from unnecessary wars. they have no shame. as donald trump has said jeb is just a puppet.

no more bushs.


Monday, August 17, 2015


i can be bought.

$$$$$ love $$$$$$$,
$$$$$ granpa $$$$$$.


Saturday, August 15, 2015


contrary to general opinion jeb is exactly or worse than his bro'. he's not protecting his bro'. he's probably worse. his job is to absolve the chicken hawks for history.

btw, why is dick cheney missing the action. probably under the bed trying to avoid donald trump.


Thursday, August 13, 2015


lady luck and murphy of the famous murphy's law are a couple that visits all elderly people. their goal is to get laughs from the infirmities both mental and physical of the geriactricly challenged.

proof of murphy. dropped soap on foot. lightning doesn't strike twice in the same place but it did. i dropped the soap again on the same foot. it must have been the work of murphy. very funny murphy - ha, ha.


all is vanity even in my mid 80s but i needed larger sized clothes after the transplant. somehow i trimmed down over the past 19 months, not that it matters to anyone except my delusional ego. as far as i'm concerned i'm still that good looking' 22 year old in the u. s. army. if you don't see that its your problem.


Tuesday, August 11, 2015


received my buck rogers book, "the collected works of buck rog.......". i think i was supposed to get, "the complete buck rog....". anyway it is thick enough and heavy enough for my cost. the vender's description read that it was used but in good condition. NOT - it has an odor of a damp musty cellar and its spine is broken but it'll do. life is short and i'm a pushover. its airing out in my garage.


Monday, August 10, 2015


as i am a true curmudgeon and giant fan i can only recall gifford's performance in the 1958 title game while listening to the game in nyc in my in-laws apt.

living in balto. at that time my wife and i had to suffer the further indignity of having to drive home down the jersey turnpike among the colt's fans leaving yankee stadium and nyc.

He experienced the highs and lows as a player. Gifford fumbled twice early in the 1958 NFL championship game, both of which led to Baltimore Colts touchdowns, and later came up short on a critical third down. The Colts eventually won 23-17 in the league's first overtime game, which helped popularize the NFL and was dubbed "The Greatest Game Ever Played," although not by Gifford.

i guess its time for forgiveness. rip, frank.


Saturday, August 8, 2015


i don't care what anybody sez. in the movie, american hustle, edit out every frame that doesn't have amy adams in it. you can even cut the soundtrack. nothing else matters. run the edited version in an infinite loop. YESSSSSSS.....................


Friday, August 7, 2015


i'm gad the debate was fair and balanced. my staff picked up some scattered papers near the stage of the debate.

this is some of the material written:

ECONOMICS mr. trump - you are admired as a businessman how come you went bankrupt four times?

AGRICULTURE mr. bush - how about that florida orange juice?

WOMEN'S ISSUES mr. trump why have you called women, "dogs and pigs"?

EDUCATION mr. bush - aren't kindergartners cute?

looks fair and balanced to me.


very oddly bush kept throwing his head to the side looking like he was practicing for the miss america contest, hmmmmmmmmm.

what was he thinking? where did he think he was?

yes, he's his own man or something.


Thursday, August 6, 2015



what they'll say and think:

donald trump: there's a reason why i am so rich and great. because i just am.

jebster eeyore bush: the future is before us and i'll check with my mom.

scott walker: i am adorable and i stay that way because i workout regularly.

mike huckabee: i spoke to jesus this morning. get on board.

marco rubio: white people are putas. it means white people are so smart and nice.

ben carson: blacks can be jerks just as well as honkies.

ted cruz: me, me, me, me. only the donald and i think alike. i'll take care of him later.

rand paul: no, i don't curl my hair and i'm cuter than obama.

chris christie: lower taxes and can someone order a pizza.

john kasich: ohio, ohio, ohio, you know. the state you need to win.


i've been trapped in password hell for three days.

supposedly when steve jobs was alive apple products were supposed to be easy and intuitive to operate. yes-and i found them to be that way. lately they have been just the opposite.

i've been using apple computers since the late 70s. then later switched to the windows operating systems from microsoft. windows xp being the best and it still is. unfortunately in order to make $$$ money $$$ we must move on. my purchase of a windows system a few months ago was returned because the damn thing kept trying to sell me things. soooooo i returned it and bought this nightmare.

i know there are other operating systems. i'm just getting too old to digest all these new instructions i'm told that must be read and learned.

On April Fool's Day, 1976, Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs released the Apple I computer and started Apple Computers.

just sayin': when computers would just assist you in calculating trig and logarithmic functions (before the pictures, games. music,.....) they were the best.

Friday, July 31, 2015


saw the movie. its sorta' ok. basically its about the superiority of women. at the end the woman (created as a robot) frees herself and trashes the men. this was probably done better w/o the robots by bette davis or joan crawford in some 1930s movie.

ho, hum.......


Thursday, July 30, 2015


the people have given up waiting for the tea party to do anything worthwhile. trump holds the promise of accomplishing something. even stopping the usual corrupt republican suspects would be something.

sadly, hillary is in the wings. one or two other democrats may be satisfactory for me.



the brave dentist killing the old, tame and caged lion is something the g w bush administration might take pride in. only a dentist from new jersey would be proud of this event. the cost of this trip is most significant since the appearance of being rich is the only characteristic we in new jersey value. mainly to the mentally challenged of the garden state which is most of the people.

this is one way you climb the social ladder in new jersey: kill or hurt something helpless.

yes i know the guy is from minnesota-tomato/tomahto.

Tuesday, July 28, 2015


Buck Rogers is a fictional character who first appeared in a novella titled Armageddon 2419 A.D. by Philip Francis Nowlan published in the August 1928 issue of the pulp magazine Amazing Stories as Anthony Rogers. [1] A sequel, The Airlords of Han, was published in the March 1929 issue.

when we fnally moved from (ugh) new jersey about 16 years ago my book of collected works of buck rogers in the 25th century disappeared. i think my wife threw this great classic away thinking it was junk. i on the other hand was under the delusion that this great collectible classic was of great value.

well, i was really relieved when i think i found on amazon that a used copy is practically worthless.

The Collected Works of Buck Rogers in the 25th Century Hardcover – January 1, 1969
by Dick Calkins (Author, Artist), Phil Nowlan (Author), & 3 more
.....Used $13.49 plus shipping
Used: Good

some of the material in the book is precious today like the rocket ships with open cockpits and people standing up in them as they travel or wilma deering at times running around in skimpy clothes with a vagina shaped jewel in the appropriate place.

i may buy this copy because i can and to see whether this valuable document can be so inexpensive.


i just bought a used copy from amazon. will report on it.

life is so exciting.

Sunday, July 26, 2015


spending the afternoon watching talks on c-span3 about the rape of belgium during ww1 by the germans. the germans didn't disappoint me. they exhibited their paranoia, barbaric behavior, greed, and cruelty which really shouldn't be a surprise. to herbert hoover's cred1t is the injection of american charity into begium's travail.

Herbert Hoover and Belgian Relief in World War I

".... The Life of Herbert Hoover: The Humanitarian, 1914–1917, is also a book about politics, again of a special sort: the politics of philanthropy and humanitarian relief on a scale previously unknown and unimagined. ....."

"For his (Hoover's) efforts, he became an important wartime adviser to President Woodrow Wilson, who made Hoover a part of the American delegation to the conference of the Treaty of Versailles."

if you know anything (now i do) about ww1 you'll know that the germans in spite of their whining and thirst for revenge got off easy with the treaty of versailles. they were evil and at fault.

it is now clear to me that winston churchill's comments about germany at the end of wwii were based on his experience and clearly justified.


Saturday, July 25, 2015



i was to be transferred from the hospital to the rehab facility by ambulance. they were late. distressed and unhappy about that stay at the hospital and with the quack doctor assigned to me suicide started to be an option. one more minute in this f'en place might push me over the edge.

the doctor was trying out various vender gadgets and crazy ideas on me presumably because i was dying anyway. finally i put a stop to his quackery. being so unhappy and sick i was toying with the idea of jumping through the window and down from the 10th floor. the window appeared very sturdy and the whole suicide plan suddenly didn't seem to be a very good idea. oh well-forget it.

while i was still alive (but not screaming) the ambulance arrived late of course. scary but interesting was when they let me off the bed i found that i could not hold my own weight. the driver had to hold me up. finally while i was cheering the gurney was pushed out of the building up the ambulance ramp into the compartment. i was happier even though the driver didn't seem to miss a pothole on the way to the rehab facility. ethnic radio music filled the vehicle. it started off ok but gradually i developed a loathing for it.

when he was about to leave i said, "i hope you don't miss any potholes on the way back".

saved, saved, saved. the bed was comfortable with all the appropriate bedding. excellent food was served. the room was large and tastefully decorated. life may not be perfect but it was better.

yes i know you just don't care. move on down the line.


Friday, July 24, 2015


dirty tricks republicans are getting a dose of their own medicine from donald trump. verbalizing a twisted reality the trumpster is giving them fits.

there is a god.


Thursday, July 23, 2015


ok, its your choice. do you want trump as president or the third term of george w. bush in the persona of the jebster with all the leading figures of the death star such as cheney, bolton, kissinger, rice, wolfowitz, and other warmongers and draft evaders.

at least trump may have some human feelings.

dump the jebster and ssve your soul.


Wednesday, July 22, 2015


although he's a (ugh) republican overall he appears intelligent and human (not robotic or exceptionally hateful and implacable like other republicans - trump, cheney)

almost an alternative to any democratic possible nominee.


Tuesday, July 21, 2015


as you know lindsey graham called trump a jackass. i'm sure he toned down his true feelings. as demonstrated by trump today he went on and on and on attempting to demean graham. all he managed to do is make himself look like a jackass. hitleresque i would say in all his loud inaccurate ravings which would sell in 1930s germany.

speaking of jackasses the national review is said to have called bernie sanders of polish/jewish descent a national socialist. very nice, natonal review.


the cardiologist told me to exercise (much) more.

the urologist told me to rest more.

the nephrologist just types a lot. probably writing his books.

the dentist just sorta' minds his own business.

the skin doctor told me to stay out of the sun and wear a hat.

the eye doctor told me to see him again in a few months.

blood tests show i'm in perfect health. and i want to believe it.

the family doctor asks about me but i think i'm getting enough medical attention.



Saturday, July 18, 2015


is a bowl of cherries;

is a box of chocolates;

is a can of worms;

is just a dream;

is a tom brady football;

is finding yourself in bed with a "10" when exhausted and drunk at 4 am;

is working in new jersey with engineers from njit.

is a train wreck;

is a DOD manager;

is mulligan stew with sausage and hamburger.



he should at least be appointed secretary of state. certainly he would confuse and boggle the minds of our enemies.


Friday, July 17, 2015


the reason you are paranoid is that you owe the federal government a huge amount of tax money. you are not being invaded. we are already stuck with you. in fact although you don't know it you are part of the usa. the reasons you got all this federal money is due to the facts that there is no human talent actually wanting to live there and the bush family political influence. please return the money as soon as possible for your own mental stability.

i lived in san antonio for a few months in 1953 and got tired of stepping on beetles in the street. i visited the alamo where all those loser back woodsmen were killed.

please keep texas.


Thursday, July 16, 2015


during the second war against the german murderers food and gasoline and other stuff needed for our war effort were rationed because of shortages.

after the war ended and in 1946 (after the germans were responsible for the deaths of over 2% of the world's population) it is claimed that rationing ended. shortages continued for a long time. The Office of Price Administration was terminated in 1947, with its various functions reassigned to other federal agencies.

Billboard - Jan 25, 1947
Vol. 59, No. 4 - ‎Magazine - ‎Full view
... Representative Merrow, of New Hampshire, introduced a bill which' calls for the end of sugar rationing, price control ...

when i was 15 (or 16) while vacationing in 1946 (or 1947) with my parents i met elaine whose father was a butcher and whose mother displayed rings and jewelry on all exposed skin. butchers were the kings of consumer food distribution, revered by housewives. elaine took a liking to me which i admit was not hard to do. she lived in brooklyn and i lived in the bronx. a divide so great for one of my age that she might as well be living on pluto and also i didn't have a clue as to what to do with a girlfriend. thinking back i know i could'a been somebody. a butcher's delivery boy leading a life of unlimited privilege and wealth. certainly better than working with engineering idiots in the defense dept. and new jersey for 30+ years. FYI: i wandered aimlessly like the biblical israelites in the new jersey wasteland for almost 40 years.


Tuesday, July 14, 2015


trying to track down why i felt better today resulted in concluding that it was either the ice cream or the twizzlers or the walnuts or the cake. healthy eating is very important.


its always good to talk about your phd. people are impressed. there is an excellent chance that they will never realize that you are a delusional moron.

you sat through 200 or 300 incredibly boring college credit hours. this is to your credit for your discipline and dedication but my dog can do the same thing.

be sure to learn new words that only you and william buckley understand and he's dead. if anyone else understands you, you have not fulfilled your phd union requirements. and speak softly so that people must bend towards you to hear you. make sure you mention your phd. did i mention that you should say phd as often as possible. speak only to people who have an appointment to see you. you may plagiarize as one of your perks. no one can know everything. if bearded, stroke it frequently. smoke a pipe and blow the smoke in the face of your audience. being an absolute jerk seems to be a plus among phds. having a phony accent is admired (kissinger or buckley for example). be sure to mention how difficult your life has been. if you do not have the stated diplomas and documentation don't worry about it because no one will authenticate your background. these are some of the tricks you must use to intimidate your audience.

you must use these tips because you have no natural ability.

employers will hire a phd over the average homeless person. can't blame them. i would do the same.

i have more complaints but i'm getting bored with this.


just saying'. when i was a kid my phd uncle had me take a magazine published IQ test. i got 14 of the 15 questions correct. i asked him how many he got right? he said, "10". i'm sure he decided the test was at fault. he's been dead for many years but i'm still angry over the misinformation he gave me which i followed.

he whipped me at chess when i was a kid many times. one day when i was in college i challenged him to a game and avenged all my previous defeats whipping his butt. you are only as good as your last game.


Sunday, July 12, 2015


its amazing how much better movies are today than when thomas edison was making them. i've seen this with my own eyes. when i was a kid in the mid 1930s my aunt florence took me to the movies. the freeman theater on southern boulevard under the el was one of them and showed the oldest and presumably the least expensive movies available.

The Freeman Theatre opened around 1922 with a little over 1,600 seats. It was located on Southern Boulevard between Freeman Street and Home Street.

The Freeman Theatre closed during the 1970’s, and sat vacant until it was demolished in early-2015.

there were interesting movies like the one with a folding bed that opened and closed - awesome.

the scariest was the one with an ape that murdered people in their beds by reaching through the heating duct grate. i worry about this to this day when near a heating duct.

today these movies are considered classics for intellectuals and would cost you extra. for this alone i am happy not being an intellectual.


Saturday, July 11, 2015


i have had an epiphany. i realize that the ancient romans had it right. they had many gods. the world today is too complicated to accommodate a single being sitting on his throne scratching his various areas doing whatever comes to his mind for whatever vague and obscure reasoning.

even in today's world a variety of people believe in spirits, elves, fairies, saints, ghosts, and other beings with a variety of influence over the alleged supreme being. obviously their influence is more equal than imagined as bad things seem just as likely to occur as good things. since there is no way of satisfying all sprites, spirits, goblins or trolls at the same time then just give it up. on the other hand just smile at everybody or every spirit.

my personal favorites are lady luck and murphy of murphy's law fame. they get their kicks by making my life as miserable as possible. they laugh and laugh. many times i send them packing when i feel well. do not try to appease them because they feel even happier and try harder.

so much for religious training today.


Friday, July 10, 2015


many high school movies are silly and immature but sometimes they can affect you and make you wonder what the hell you thought you were doing those many, many years ago. yes, i know. you were growing up. most of us, especially myself, never quite reached maturity.

anyway ...... among h.s. movies i really, really liked:
fast times at ridgefield high
the battle of shaker heights.

except for attending classes and doing the work it was the best of times and i didn't know it.


Thursday, July 9, 2015


being that greek banks are closed today there will be no further televising of cute young women in skimpy sun dresses at the banks' ATMs.


CNBC commentators do not have a clue as to where the world and its economy are going. in yesterday's computer stock market crash they were running around like chicken little thinking that the sky was falling. i suggest that you give them dilbert's etch-a-skefch and tell them its a computer. i loved when the head of the nyse was interviewed and didn't know a thing about what was happening. what do you expect from someone making an eight figure salary?

i dunno either???????


Wednesday, July 8, 2015


financial people are not too stable. obviously affluence and trading securities people are just too soft mentally and probably physically. between this event, their erectile dysfunction, paranoia, and alcoholism they are on the edge of madness. i suggest quaaludes and a little poverty may do them a some good.

the FBI and other heavyweights are investigating. next time my home computer goes down i'll call the FBI for help.

be sure to call heidi fieiss for brow stroking.


Tuesday, July 7, 2015


many republicans claim that donald trump is a sham counterfeit republican and bernie sanders is misrepresenting himself as a democrat. what happened to the democratic process? are the jerks taking over?

the remainder of the fields are not authentic or honest. at least sanders and trump seem to be straight forward and are attracting attention.

no more clintons or bushs please.


Monday, July 6, 2015


at 3 am while snacking, blogging, and watching porn films on cable tv i suddenly realized how mechanical, boring, and juvenile the porn films on tv are. a high school biology book would be more interesting. if i were 11 years old again they might have some interest.

real movies, many showing nothing can be really emotional and hot. the movie, "the french lieutenant's woman" with meryl streep where there is nothing to see which just builds on the sexual tension was far more interesting. i cried from the emotional release i felt when they .. ummm .. finally hooked up.


Sunday, July 5, 2015


google, "Donald - Behind the Name
From the Gaelic name Domhnall which means "ruler of the world", composed of the old Celtic elements dumno "world" and val "rule". This was the name of two 9th-century kings of the Scots and Picts.

if your name is donald, the first thing your mother tells you is the meaning of the name donald. this alone can explain the thoughts and words emanating from a donald.


Friday, July 3, 2015


woke up this morning feeling pretty good for a dying, sick old man. just thought you wanted to know.

i see that california is pushing for universal vaccinations. they have doctors lined up telling us how safe it is. interesting for paid experts to say that since my wife and i have had bad reactions and illness after receiving vaccinations of one sort or other. thats 2 for 2. a bizarre anomaly. its very unlikely since the "DOCTORS say they are so good for you and the human race.

(note to doctors: please don't try to explain it to me. you are so smart. yes you are - yes you are.)


Thursday, July 2, 2015


its a year and a half since i received the mystery cadaver kidney by transplant. its history is a little murky as it was sent to one hospital and then apparently rejected or something and sent to my hospital. they must have said, "give it to granpa don". actually i dunno.

anyway my major life accomplishment over the past 18 months is watching gilligan's island reruns.

life is good.


Tuesday, June 30, 2015


having already proven that he practically owns the clinton prison, he probably has already signed on to some agent in a public relations firm. book deal, movie deal, revision of his life.

he's not finished yet. escape and capture was the best things he ever did for himself. i'm sure there are plenty of lonely women and friendless guards in the northern woods.


Monday, June 29, 2015


president obama continues to amaze me. from his basketball playing to his mental abilities to the eulogy performance the other day.

when northern liberals realize that many african americans are intellectually superior to them, i'm sure they'll join southern rednecks in their bigotry. liberals are not exempt from being jerks or stupid. i'm still partially brainwashed by the hollywood portrayal of blacks in the 1930's.


Friday, June 26, 2015


"Americans certainly scalped Indians during the Revolution and after," says Colin Calloway, who teaches history at Dartmouth College. "They also stripped Indian corpses of skin."

since the muslim terrorist groups are so fond of beheading people it seems like some of our special forces should do the same and publicly display the heads. i bet the terrorists will be terrorized and start screaming foul.

note to muslim terrorists: we are becoming immune to your barbaric, uncivilized behavior and we can do the same to you. an eye for an eye. a head for a head.


"Colonial heroine Hannah Dustin" monument "looks like any other, with one crucial exception: In her left hand she holds a fistful of human scalps.

The inscription underneath tells of her 1697 capture in an Indian raid, and how she slew her captors as they slept - 10 women and children. Later she returned for their scalps, having remembered they could fetch a bounty."


Thursday, June 25, 2015


note to defense dept employees, military, and any of their delusional, drunk wives: ACA is the affordable care act for healthcare. get it? it is obama care. yes, obama is our kenyan president.

its interesting that you don't have to be a supreme court justice, a lawyer, or genius to see that overturning the ACA would create major problems for millions of americans including hospitals, insurance companies, health care employees, etc.

i know. republicans would rather spend billions in afghanistan, in iraq, on guns, on ammunition and other destructive stuff. conservatives and neo-cons think that is what jesus would do.


just sayin': i can't figure why so many military and DOD employees declare they are republican since the military has so many characteristics of a communist culture. never mind - you know best. i don't argue with crazy people.


Wednesday, June 24, 2015


new hampshire poll of republicans shows that the jebster leads for presidential nominee. in second place is, THE DONALD, the daffy duck of the republican field.

this is very much like the first prize of a contest is a week in philadelphia and the second prize is two weeks in philadelphia. either way you lose.

i know. it doesn't make much sense but nothing in the world seems to make sense either. i'm in good company.


Tuesday, June 23, 2015


working for the defense department for 30+ years i became used to stupidity from the motor pool to the top bosses and the officers. just grin and bear it. now that i'm in my mid-eighties, sorta' sick and am affected by my required meds i feel that my IQ must have decreased to about 99. fiddling with new operating systems, new technical products, etc. is a difficult chore.

when my group got one of the first apple 1 or something computers an employee was afraid to touch it. i assured him that it wouldn't break to no avail. he was afraid of it.

a boss told me not to spill coffee on it. so clever of him. he never did anything useful anyway. he carried a ledger around and appeared to take notes presumably for some important purpose.

in the dilbert comic strip of that time the boss was given an etch-a-sketch and told it was a computer. i believe it could have been a true story.

a division chief told a computer knowledgeable employees to just put a job in the computer. the employee told me he didn't know where the division chief wanted him to stick it. after the chief overheard this employee say that the chief was a horse's ass he had to transfer to another group.

i have many such true stories but my point is or was supposed to be that i am turning into one of these morons.



Monday, June 22, 2015


when nixon resigned i think he said he wanted the nation to heal. apparently the problem lies with us. funny that i still feel innocent and that he was a common, egotistical sociopath -- ok, a smart, egotistical, sociopath.

on the exiting helicopter he said, "i'll be back".

earlier, when he was under investigation, that disgusting ogre, robert bork, was hired to do some of the legal dirty work. "On October 20, 1973, Solicitor General Bork was instrumental in the "Saturday Night Massacre", U.S. President Richard Nixon's firing of Watergate Special Prosecutor Archibald Cox,....". i guess that even if you have smarts in one area you can still be an a'hole when all is said and done.



among jerks of the century, ken starr ranks well with bork.

although bork and starr are admired by many, they are examples of the reputation that lawyers have acquired justly -- grifters and whores.


Sunday, June 21, 2015


in days gone by when i was young and living in the bronx there was a time of year which was known as marble season when us kids would come out after school and play competitive marble games. presumably one kid would eventually be the billionaire marble king/queen.

things were really going great for me until i played against the marble queen. she managed to take every marble i had.

two things i should have learned:

1. stay away from women.

2. there is always someone better than you.


Saturday, June 20, 2015


my ice cream container says the ice cream contains real vanilla.

what have the been using up to now? i don't want to think too deeply about this.

they should add:
vanilla beans grown on real plants;
in a real field;
containing real soil;
tended by real people;
on planet earth;
picked by certified virgins.


Thursday, June 18, 2015


while waiting in line to enter a venue at the 1939 world's fair, mrs. levitt gave me the tuna fish sandwich. it was gooood. it must have been the best since i sill remember it. mrs. l. always was willing to give. she must be about 110 if still alive.

my mom was very upset because in her bubble world she was the best cook.

thank you, mrs. levitt.


Wednesday, June 17, 2015


looks like it will be the donald against the jebster as main contenders for republican nominee for (aaaagh!) president. the fox news debate might as well have daffy duck and eeyore on their debate stage and run it on a cartoon cable station. of course this will be typical bizarre programming for fox.


Monday, June 15, 2015


declaring for the presidency jeb basically gave my brother-in-law's satire political speech, ".... the future is before us and the past is behind us......" .

i'm sure the little old ladies near south beach were impressed.

he's going to get rid of the persons that caused the mess in this country. is that a threat against, dick cheney and george bush????

it inspired me even if it was the worst political speech ever.
