what they'll say and think:
donald trump: there's a reason why i am so rich and great. because i just am.
jebster eeyore bush: the future is before us and i'll check with my mom.
scott walker: i am adorable and i stay that way because i workout regularly.
mike huckabee: i spoke to jesus this morning. get on board.
marco rubio: white people are putas. it means white people are so smart and nice.
ben carson: blacks can be jerks just as well as honkies.
ted cruz: me, me, me, me. only the donald and i think alike. i'll take care of him later.
rand paul: no, i don't curl my hair and i'm cuter than obama.
chris christie: lower taxes and can someone order a pizza.
john kasich: ohio, ohio, ohio, you know. the state you need to win.
senior, old age, second childhood, sickness and death, ain't we got fun.