senior, old age, second childhood, sickness and death, ain't we got fun.

Monday, September 7, 2015


somehow although its a mystery to me doing nothng has gotten a bad reputation among the common people like engineers, salesmen, small business men et al. this particular attribute is my strong point. i've been doing nothing for almost 30 years now, 84 years if you include my government service and youth. when i retired from my DOD job with the incompetants and idiots: management, peers and subordinates. actually i was working hard trying to be invisible and doing nothing at DOD even though my brain broke through my resistance at times and i actually did something for mankind (see: Saturday, August 22, 2015 titled MY BOOK. on this blog).

strangely those doing the least and are most confused seem to be most adamant that they work hard. did ted williams or joe dimaggio or me work hard? absolutely not because we are talented and know what we are doing.

my future plans are to continue on my present path. i don't need fame, fortune, or approval from self proclaimed experts.

other people slow you down, stop you in your tracks, discourage you, or come off the bench and tackle you. even if you want to do something it is difficult to get past the nay sayers and your depressing so called friends. they say they can do anything but upon close scrutiny they are useless.

it is so sad when i meet older people who can't seem to give up the so-called work ethic. they'll do anything to prove their worth. i guess being a DONALD i am born with the talent of being able not to do anything. people should do things for me.

i think i have almost achieved excellence in being useless. each day in every way i am more useless. yea, yea, yea........
