the german bund is alive and well in northern new jersey. if you are black, italian, jewish, muslim, et al. stay out of sussex county.
only straight laced people seem to be in northern new jersey until they are tested at the officers' club bar.
if your husband gets a job in nyc and has a cute secretary, he will leave one morning and never come back.
stone walls that weep are miracles of god. the media censors the news of miracles.
officer's wives are drunks.
prayer helps at least 10%. whatever that means.
gossips and the ignorant are just as flawed among engineers, scientists, teachers, and other professionals as among uneducated new arrivals from eastern, western, and southern europe.
LOVE IT OR LEAVE IT. prefer to leave it.
i must have slipped into an alternative universe, or my wardrobe sucked me into narnia or did i go through the looking glass. at any rate somehow the phrase corporations are people keeps pounding in my head. this is most bizarre and surreal. i wonder how this could have happened?
corporations are people...corporations are people...corporations are people...
i must have hit my head because this would be ridiculous. concussions and also old age cause delusions.
somehow in this time warp anomaly the supreme court must have had something to do with this and they did. y'know the supreme court is made up of old people and i wonder how reality based they are.
in this realm soylent green is people. i guess i may have gotten into the movie somehow.
sooooo, both corporations and soylent green are people. of course.
senior, old age, second childhood, sickness and death, ain't we got fun.