i have always thought of myself as perfectly rational but last year being sick, and under heavy medication, i suffered from illusions (delusions?). in retrospect it was interesting.
although i now know the illusions did not exist, they were perfectly real and explainable to myself.
1. there was a black web which my visitors walked through and did not notice. i explained it to myself that this was a major hospital where all sorts of strange experiments are probably occurring. i thought the hospital was probably projecting this web only to me.
2. a light fixture was being fed paper and printing a variety of pictures (art works, maps, pornography, architectural drawings, etc.). these pictures were moving across the ceiling. i did not understand why others did not see this. i finally believed that they were not concentrating enough. although my daughter told me later that delusions are not
uncommon in hospitals.
i must mention the night i wanted to teleport myself home although that was mainly a realistic dream. i was sorta' partially awake. in order to actually teleport myself home i really unhooked catheters and tubes and stuff to prepare for my escape finally setting off an alarm to which a nurse responded. thinking that i would be at least sent to prison for this brazen offense i offered the nurse a bribe not to mention this event. she said she had to report it. i was doomed, doomed, doomed.
the next morning i noticed i had not moved an inch. my teleportation efforts had failed. no one knew of my adventure or cared.
senior, old age, second childhood, sickness and death, ain't we got fun.