a class from a local charter school (in ..ugh... nj) would arrive and meet at the local YMCA. they arrive in a rusted out, unsafe appearing vehicle.
the ...ummm... so-called teachers consisted of one seedy looking older man who seemed to mostly to sit and watch the .ummm.. activities and two dried up women who might qualify for wicked witches from OZ or macbeth. none of them appeared to be qualified.
charter schools are profit making sorta' faux educational businesses. much of the time the kids played dodge ball. a game where they try to kill each other with a ball. very educational for future republicans.
it was interesting that the shortest kid, a wise ass tried to insult and demean me. it must be that he never came up against an adult who responded to him for fear of losing their job.
well this should be fun i thought. a few choice remarks about losing his hair and death could ruin his life and could make him sufficiently neurotic to be in need of professional analysis.
i am such a softy. i just called him "shorty" hoping the other nasty kids may pick up on it and make him slightly miserable. i am so nice.
anyway --- in conclusion education is not a business. kill charter schools.
senior, old age, second childhood, sickness and death, ain't we got fun.