senior, old age, second childhood, sickness and death, ain't we got fun.

Sunday, July 26, 2015


spending the afternoon watching talks on c-span3 about the rape of belgium during ww1 by the germans. the germans didn't disappoint me. they exhibited their paranoia, barbaric behavior, greed, and cruelty which really shouldn't be a surprise. to herbert hoover's cred1t is the injection of american charity into begium's travail.

Herbert Hoover and Belgian Relief in World War I

".... The Life of Herbert Hoover: The Humanitarian, 1914–1917, is also a book about politics, again of a special sort: the politics of philanthropy and humanitarian relief on a scale previously unknown and unimagined. ....."

"For his (Hoover's) efforts, he became an important wartime adviser to President Woodrow Wilson, who made Hoover a part of the American delegation to the conference of the Treaty of Versailles."

if you know anything (now i do) about ww1 you'll know that the germans in spite of their whining and thirst for revenge got off easy with the treaty of versailles. they were evil and at fault.

it is now clear to me that winston churchill's comments about germany at the end of wwii were based on his experience and clearly justified.
