i give up being modest. it gets you no place. check with donald trump.
i searched my name and middle initial and found a couple of my booklets with new covers for sale on amazon at outrageous prices. these are public documents generated while employed by DOD. anyone can copy and reprint them from (i think) the defense documentation center. the vender must have sold one or more of them as they have new covers. why bother if there are no suckers out there. all were published in the 1960s and 1970s.
why would anyone want them? then again even the dead, dead dead sea scrolls have value and they were written by cavemen.
btw, my idiot (defense dept.) boss did not want to spend the govt. play money on my work. months after publication i got a letter from the command that one item was valuable and i got requests for it 'til i retired.
on the advice of a fellow slave i asked my new boss (as you can see my anal-rententive old boss and i did not get along) for some sort of award which was common. he said, "write it up"). i said, "that's your job. i have other things to do.". for some reason unbeknownst to me i never received anything.
on another project generated by myself i received $50 which my boss proudly gave me. i said, "what's this. my cigars cost more than this".
i have other whiny, boring stories from which i'll spare you.
and you ask why did i retire early?
my point is that i have an item being sold on amazon and you don't.
senior, old age, second childhood, sickness and death, ain't we got fun.