dropping dead might be the best alternative to going through all the crap, pain, suffering and demeaning life you have when going and sorta' living at the hospital or rehab facility. you're going to endure all this stuff when you actually die. no sense going through this again.
i was doing fairly well and about to be released when my therapist came to work with a cold. being that the therapists seemed to really need their pay i went with her to the therapy room where i believe i caught her cold.
even with the cold i signed out and went home. hasta la vista. it was a good decision even if it set me back physically about two weeks.
it did not improve my mental health much (just a little) except that physical and mental health seem to go together at least for me.
i learned that even old people who seem to be mentally challenged and do not talk or are inert can be active mentally and smarter than most people who are walking around running their mouths.
the woman across the hall from me sat outside her room in complete silence with her eyes closed. i am sure she was able to take in the hallway society and culture providing her with entertainment and mental activity.
senior, old age, second childhood, sickness and death, ain't we got fun.