after reading, mike wise's column in the wapo, i'm rooting for vcu or butler for the championship. his point was that these guys are at the height of their basketball fame and is a significant event in their lives. for the showboats on kentucky and uconn this is just a stepping stone .
love the beach. if the bp oil spill doesn't get you the radiation from nuclear facilities will.
lockerbie bomber, megrahi has decided that he wants to go back to his scottish prison. he's had enough of libya.
why do i have to put up with the nitwits of the world? rev. terri jones decides to burn a koran (any rational person can see its a bunch of paper) and the uncivilized masses want to kill all of us. i am the only sane person in this universe.
the michelle bachman jackboots, black shirt, and armband is expected to be very popular during her run for the presidency.
gotta go. final four warmup time.
senior, old age, second childhood, sickness and death, ain't we got fun.