senior, old age, second childhood, sickness and death, ain't we got fun.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


of course i didn't see the state of the union address.  i figured i could find out what i think by watching the media take on the speech this morning.

watched whiney, spoiled rich kid donald trump on cnbc for as long as i could take it which was about one minute.  surprise, surprise, he wants to pay no taxes and to cut or eliminate social security which in case you don't know the recipients paid for while they could work.  its ok with me to just throw them in the street and eliminate taxes because i don't get social security and i do pay taxes.  yes, donald trump, you shit, i agree with you 100%.

also, i'm waiting breathlessly for "his-stupid-ugliness", steve forbes comments.

fortunately for me the politicians and media people can talk, talk, talk, but can't walk the walk.  and thats what they're paid to do.  just doin' their job.


mitch-mitch mcconnell is another one of my favorites.  having traveled somewhat in kentucky.  mostly from the cincinnati airport to jefferson proving ground i noted that fertilizer generated from mitch-mitch's talky talk can help grow those healthful tobacco fields.  mitch-mitch also gets assistance from the horse droppings from louisville to florence.


jack lalanne dead at 96.  sorta disturbing since he spent his life taking care of himself.  makes me stop and  .. umm .. think.

hak, kaf, kaf......... 

