senior, old age, second childhood, sickness and death, ain't we got fun.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


they are trying to take away your 30 round clip, and emasculate you.  no wonder you need viagra.

the govt. because of the only (alleged) insane gunman in the country, loughner, wants to take your rights to protection away.

we need these weapons and ammunition because:
KING KONG, may get loose again;
SPACE ALIENS from all those UFOs you see may invade;
the REDs or AL QUAEDA may attack.

as long as they know you are well equipped with working parts they will be wary.  keep sparta, new jersey safe.

there are some terrible things we must be prepared for like:
internet source --- "the secret Roosevelt/Hitler/Vatican Treaty etc., are believed housed in the Disney Orlando facility. I can say no more. ..."

jesus wants you to keep and have the 30 round clip.  amen.
i have other things to do today besides educating you.  i must watch the sky now for possible invaders.
but first i'll double check under my mattress and bed for peapods.