the most significant event in my basic training experience was when i got poison ivy. it handicapped me on a date (so sad). upon my return to camp i was given some green little pills and managed to heave on the chow line. they just walked around me. no one's appetite including mine was diminished. my hearty appetite was enhanced - good stuff. mmmmm ... i entered the mess hall starving. my condition caused some bleeding but i never received my purple heart.
because of my few hours on sick call i had to learn to throw a grenade with another group. i was busily counting after pulling the pin, "ooonnnne, twwwooo, thrrrreeeee, ......", when the cadre in my bunker said, "throw the grenade". we survived. college trained people like myself and engineers always follow instructions (duh). how was i to know the throwing of the grenade was more important than the counting?
the second most significant event was when my salami was stolen while we camped out overnight -- life is difficult.
(to be continued)
just sayin'.
senior, old age, second childhood, sickness and death, ain't we got fun.