during my stay at fort dix we were tested, screened, evaluated, sorted, and stuff. you would think the results would be scrutinized and analyzed so that the inductees would be divided up to specialize in what they could do best. well it sorta worked that way.
my decider (whoever the hell he was?) said, "i've seen better scores". whoa, that seems encouraging. does he mean that someone actually was smarter than me? ok, i can live with that. so, i got dumped like most of our group into the medical corps. i had one option and that was going to ocs. nevermind, i don't wish to be a hero.
one inductee who had a one point higher score on the ocs exam than i was sent to the signal corps. just as well because i never could figure out the difference between the white wire and the black wire. and running wires in enemy territory across korea is not the low pressure job i envisioned.
(to be continued)
these guys are in a lot better physical condition than my company.
senior, old age, second childhood, sickness and death, ain't we got fun.