senior, old age, second childhood, sickness and death, ain't we got fun.

Sunday, May 22, 2011


dear president obama,

we must return north america to the pre 1867 borders.  we cannot continue in our separation from alaska.  we were swindled.  its a matter of security and wholeness.

signed, granpa.

"History of British Columbia   .... In 1867, there were three options open: to continue as a British colony, to be annexed by the United States, or ... "
" ... When American Secretary of State William H. Seward negotiated the Alaska Purchase in 1867, it was part of his plan to incorporate the entire northwest Pacific Coast, chiefly for the long-term commercial advantages to the United States in terms of Pacific trade.  ...." 


this has nothing to do with alaska except the concept.  interesting - sorta - maybe.

what the hell!
