wearing my ny giants cap this morning. i'm trying to get that tom coughlin look and feel, YESSSSS, I feel it. GO GIANTS..............
the great peyton manning's kid brother has now emerged from his chrysallus as, ELI THE MAGNIFICENT. like, MADONNA, he has only one name, ELI. everyone knows who, ELI, is.
sadly, fame is fleeting. in the event the giants should lose, ELI will quickly be forgotten. even worse, if he has a bad game like three interceptions, the masses will tar and feather him. sorry, eli, thats how it works.
on the upside super sunday is another payday. yea!
grisham's, playing for pizza, is an entertaining story of an nfl quarterback who regains his joie de vivre in an italian football league after a disastrous nfl season..