senior, old age, second childhood, sickness and death, ain't we got fun.

Friday, February 24, 2012


yessss, we must purge the devil-people among us. probing the female population is a necessity. "rosemary's baby" must be neutralized.  there can be no abortions.  we will burn the devils and witches at the stake later on.

santorum and gingrich will save us. 

attending covertly, a local gathering of witches and vampires last night it was noted that the coven was fearful of the republican cleansing of their evil.   i think i saw nancy pelosi, joe biden, and the teletubbies in the crowd.
as you know the witches successful assault on the salem trials of 1692 ended the purity of spirit we had.  since that destruction we have had fascism, communism and ipods.
fortunately the spawn of the clear headed salem population now numbers in the millions.  it may be difficult for them to straighten out the rest of the world but they will try.