obama's competition should be renamed the bozo party. of course, you can never over estimate the stupidity of our population - or any population. lookin' around the world; europe is having a beer fest, africa is in flames, middle east is having children and want to immolate themselves (understandable with large starving families. just have more children irresponsibly.), far east is being consumed by capitalism (keep those ipods coming). wow, we look almost civilized in comparison.
it is for sure. on sunday, jan. 20th, 2013, barack hussein obama will be sworn in for his second term as president of the united states.
in 2017 inauguration day occurs on a friday and chelsea clinton will be sworn in. the yougest president, declaring for president on her 35th birthday, feb. 27th, 2015.
just sayin:
since only small government advocates want to probe your vagina, it shouldn't be too uncomfortable.
senior, old age, second childhood, sickness and death, ain't we got fun.