senior, old age, second childhood, sickness and death, ain't we got fun.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

$83000?  $83000????????? WHAT??????????????

a full share for the superbowl champs is only $83000.  what the h*%@ can you do with $83000 today especially in new york.  what a bunch of cheap money grubbers.  the players' medical bills will be more than that. 

these guys are superstars.  certainly they are worthy of appropriate paydays in comparison with hollywood stars and are worth more than wash. dc lobbyists.


it is reported that a giant's player (brandon jacobs) said brady's wife should just look cute and shut up. 

welcome to the 21st century.


watching imus, today - the best early morning show.


just sayin'

why are there three financial/stock market tv channels?  if businessmen are so busy, and creating jobs what the @#*& are they doing watching tv during the day.  THE WORLD IS DROWNING IN BS.

i don't think steve jobs was watching tv.  i don't think thomas edison or henry ford would have neen watching tv.


selecting a republican  ... ummm ... candidate (whatever they are) is really difficult.  its like trying to answer the question, "which leader would you prefer, stalin, hitler, kim jong il, saddam hussein"? 

ummmm ,,, i'm thinking.
