senior, old age, second childhood, sickness and death, ain't we got fun.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011



after only eight weeks of regular basic training (we even taught conscientious objectors to kill).- medical corps style - i was on my way to fort sam houston for medical training which as far as i can recall was primarily swimming, sightseeing in san antonio: the alamo and Brackenridge Park, visiting mexican border towns, drinking beer, attending the uso, and resting up during the day in classes.

the only complaint that i had was that the army closed all swimming pools from texas to alaska on sept. 1st regardless of climate or weather.  BAMC and fort sam had a great pool, thanks to the u. s. taxpayer (corporations need not contribute).

in september, there were areas of san antonio that were swarming with large beetles.  there was a crunching sound as you walked the streets.

after this intensive training we were sent to other u. s. army hospitals around the country to finish our training, and tweaking our skills.

