doing literally undercover investigative reporting work concerning tghe healthcare system over the past month.
these are just a few of the things i have observed:
1. there are absolutely no life altering events: if you are a bastard going into an experience, you will come out a bastard at the end of the experience. perhaps for some wishful thinking if you think that in dickens' christmas carol, scrooge has changed after his dream experiences you are very (har, har, har) sadly mistaken. from what i saw people become even more self centered and selfish than they were before.
2. a person next door to me at the hospital died. some relatives and friends took it badly. others did not. they had a brief service at the person's bedside. the room was cleaned and the next ill person was moved in. the world goes on.
3. at a rehab facility: a person and his relatives who make the most noise and demand the best service can get the best attention and perks. there's nothing better than having a feeling of entitlement. a patients' visitors seemed to think nothing of helping themselves to some of my (trivial) stuff like bottled water when i wasn't around. trivial but very annoying. the patient obviously pained one night told the staff they'll be fired in the morning. most of the staff present seemed to think that was a good idea. the next day the event appeared to be totally forgotten.
4. i salute most of the brave healthcare workers who put up with all the crap that many sick and helpless people can deliver. if the patients weren't so pathetic there would be a bounty on their heads.
5. bizzarely most of these sick old people sponging on the tax payer don't want any one else to have healthcare. no wonder they are republicans and believe all the made up gossip on fox news. they want the truth on benghazi!!!
5. while in the hospital and feeling really terrible i asked the doctor to just have a gun loaded and put one shot in the right spot on my head. he replied that that treatment was not on his list of possible treatmens so he could not comply with my request. its interesting that we shoot horses and put cats and dogs away but people must suffer outrageous demeaning and painful procedures, "we saved your remaining meaningless and useless life at incredible cost.
senior, old age, second childhood, sickness and death, ain't we got fun.