in the middle of the night i planned my escape from the hospital. teleportation -- of course. it would be easy to just teleport myself to my hometown and make my way to my house and so it was done. yes, i did it with my bed and all the accoutrements.
my only problem was to release all the bonds holding me to the bed from my iv tube to the plastic shackles that bound my feet. hunt and peck monkey style i released all my bonds. now i could make my way home. when i pulled the foot shackles free the bed sounded an alarm. a nurse came in. apparently something went wrong with the teleportation and my overall plan. must rethink. what could have gone wrong with the teleportation?
now that i was caught i became obsessed thinking only of the huge trouble i was in now. escaping from a hospital is close to a capitol offense. i said to the nurse, "how much did she want not to say anything about this". she responded that she was obligated to report this incident. fearing the worst possible consequeces i tried talking to the next two staff members that visited me. much to my surprise no one knew what i was talking about and knew nothing about my major crime. looking around i saw that through all my anguish and turmoil my bed and i had not moved an inch. slowly i realized that it was a dream and no one cared. probably happens all the time.
i guess there are a lot of crazy people at the hospital. at the time i had no idea that it was mostly a dream but it was such a good plan.
senior, old age, second childhood, sickness and death, ain't we got fun.