waiting, waiting , waiting - get used to it. no matter what your condition you must wait until other people you are dependent on show up and do their thing. do not pretend that you are in charge. just wait even if you are in a fetal position waiting for the relief of death. sorry.
at about 8 pm the ambulance people arrived. "yes, soon, soon". there were two people who were straight out of hollywood casting for a zany, funny movie about ambulance escapades. one was a very energetic and robust young woman who also drove the vehicle. the other was a very large, young, and strong guy who you want to be agreeable with at all times for fear he will lose it.
strapped onto a litter on a hospital cart i was whisked away - yea - finally installed into the small cubicle of the ambulance. the rehab facility was about 40 miles away. we hit every pothole on the road. the driver was a solid republican bigot. her choice. she would say such things as, "the black man in the white house", "the bumpy ride was not due to the old shock absorbers on the ambulance it was due to the potholes in the road". i mentioned that if some money was allocated for infrastructure the potholes would be fixed. at which point i was lucky i was a patient so she wouldn't hit me. another republican in denial.
finally arriving at the rehab facility i was quickly admitted and wheeled on a cart to my room.
the facility is run by a jewish organization. the two ambulance staff seemed to be surprised that it appeared so well maintained. "golly gee, these jews are well off. it is so well maintained and it doesn't smell at all. i don't see anyone with horns. how can that be?.
unloading my body at about 10 pm in a room i was asked if i needed any thing?
"a beer".
she, "that sounds good".
the guy, "let's go to a bar {maybe i can get some}".
she unenthusiastically, "sorry i have to get up at 5 am {you'll never get any}".
me, "thank you {get the hell outof here}".
attention hollywood casting people, "you are missing out on a great movie by letting these people go".
senior, old age, second childhood, sickness and death, ain't we got fun.