senior, old age, second childhood, sickness and death, ain't we got fun.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014


everyone is trying to explain the maylasian planes disappearance in the context of a flight taking off from let's say jfk or lax. this cannot be further from reality. having flown aeroflot in a civilized (sorry for the racism) area where a dog was allowed aboard and a piece of equipment was stored against an exit door. another time i was sharing a taxi ride in mexico with chickens and people carrying stuff. my point is that southeast asian airlines could be carrying anything and overlooking any basic safety rules. you cannot know that the plane had an 800 pound gorilla in the cabin or poisonous snakes in a suitcase or lethal chemicals innocently wrapped in a package or some passenger deciding to innocenly test and light up some hazardous material (as what happenned with a chinese-american engineer while i worked at the ... umm ... DEFENSE DEPT. funny that guy disappeared a few days later. i don't recall anyone ever asking about him.)

anyway any speculation at this time especially from the likes of john mccain or other delusional hawkish politicians is pure bs. you just can't make this stuff up.
