after about three days with my throat closed w/o food or drink except for the slow drip of poisonous substances going into my arm they managed to decrease the swelling so that i could eat and drink again. a very important essential characteristic for the maintenance of human life. its in a book.
every five minutes some nurse comes in and wants you to drop your pants. i have no idea as to why? to see my transplant scar; to squeeze my transplant; my personal attractiveness; to check my you-know-what; size matters; i'm adorable; to check the tube running into a urinal (since i couldn't move); whatever?
finally after about a week the horde of doctors, nurses, and king's men declared me cured even though it was not known what was wrong with me in the first place. unfortunately the cure although not killing me left me as weak as a one year old.
completely unaware as to how weak i had become i thought (heh, heh) i would bouce back in a day or two. of course this was a typical male overestimate of ability. a total mismatch of reality to actuality. having worked with engineers i know that many of them can't put a plug into an electrical outlet but are great authorities on the physical universe. yes, i'm guilty too except i can put a plug into an outlet most of the time.
senior, old age, second childhood, sickness and death, ain't we got fun.