all he wanted to do was cut me up, put me in pickling solution and freshen up the pickling solution three times a week, for the better part of my old man's day, for the rest of my life, and i walked out on him saying, "i'd rarther be dead".
he is very smart, went to medical school for many years, sat through hundreds of class hours and labs, paid huge sums to the academic community, his parents worked hard and are very proud of him. and i walked out on him saying, "i'd rather be dead'.
of course he's angry. i didn't take his prescription. "i'd rather be dead".
i've led as full a life as i was capable of. i have enough years to qualify without embarrassment or pity for the graveyard. "i'd rather be dead".
becoming dead is not that easy, "i'd rather be dead?". i may change my mind.
senior, old age, second childhood, sickness and death, ain't we got fun.