senior, old age, second childhood, sickness and death, ain't we got fun.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011


coffee ...

sooooo, you bought into the myth that we should all own stock.

as you know, after the initial sale of a stock it is just traded paper.


i'm waiting for the next group of "bernie maddoffs" to be indicted.

genuine corn tortilla and blue cheese - lets call it roquefort for that intellectual multicultural effect

harriet crone is probably still insisting she can make 12% a year trading stock paper.


loved the sub-headline in sunday's new york times. " .... S& P FIRES BACK .... WARNS OF FURTHER CUT ...".  WHAT?, they're threatening us probably because their ratings are being criticized.

don't get ink on your fingers from the new money being printed to cover "tea party advocates".


i was in the crowd at the 1939 world's fair but i don't see myself.  anyway:

GM Futurama - 1939 World's Fair - Part 1

i hope you got your heinz plastic pickle at their exhibit.  somehow i lost mine over the years.