senior, old age, second childhood, sickness and death, ain't we got fun.

Saturday, July 23, 2011


fordham hospital

early in november i was notified that my dad was ill and in fordham (the death) hospital located at southern blvd. and fordham road.  many check in, few check out.  in those days there were public hospitals you could go to - no medicare or medicaid.  my dad believed in hard work and dedication and never up to then had a sick day.

i was granted leave, packed a bag and went to the local military airfield.  since fitzsimmons was an army hospital and the harry-truman- korean-chinese-bastard war had recently ended, cargo planes with our casualties were still arriving.  i didn't wait too long before a plane arrived that was going in my direction.   i was issued a parachute, which i had no idea how to use, and allowed to board.  the plane was going to st. louis and then on to BAMC with burn victim casualties. 

 i got off in st. louis to continue my journey to new york city.

Fifties TV: Kay Starr singing two songs on 1952 Variety Show

