senior, old age, second childhood, sickness and death, ain't we got fun.

Friday, July 15, 2011


fitzsimmons army hospital (ca.  1973)

the army is like a concierge service.  you don't have to think of a thing.  everything is taken care of.  i can't even recall my arrival in denver.  it was like being on a tour without having to tip the tour guides.  my problems later in my life with DOD  and the idiots and drunks was that i was trying to think and take my job seriously.  just do textbook problems.  no thought, please ---- NO THOUGHT ZONE.

the accomodations at fitzsimmons were comfortable.  the food was excellent.  my only problem was that denver is boring .... boooorrrrinnng.  we didn;t even have to exercise.  being naturally lazy, i was getting fat and flabby.  it almost makes sense that the u. s. army require some level of physical fitness - POT-BELLIES NOT WELCOME.

i managed to elude any distasteful chores at fitzsimmons army hospital by either disappearing or being incompetent.  how the army selected me, the most uncaring person to help nurture and aid people is a mystery to me.

one day i was led by a lady-nurse to a floor in a building with a gazillion beds and mattresses and told to make them all.  after actually making a few of them, i found a bookcase, selected a book, sat down in a comfortable chair, and started reading.  after awhile the nurse returned and i had to listen to a long reprimand.  she must have been taking lessons from my wife and mother-in-law.  just shoot me.

