senior, old age, second childhood, sickness and death, ain't we got fun.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

WORK ETHIC - ARBEIT MACHT FREI (heh, heh - you don't believe the phony germans actually believe this)

i'm glad the french are at least clearheaded (thru their wine-hazed eyes) when it comes to work. 

press tv :"France paralyzed as strikes enter day 12 "

and their government only wants to change the retirement age.

americans seem to be brainwashed that if anyone is only casually considering not working he is a dangerous communist.

even the most menial of jobs is considered better than not working.  i've heard my fellow primates proudly say such things as, “it was my job to push the green button at the firing range.”  how someone could admit that he had such a demeaning job is beyond my understanding.  but he was working! huh?

i retired as soon as possible and was accused of being a slacker not a man of means, magnate, or aristocrat.  but that was new jersey, home of bigfoot and his wife bigmouth.

i don't get it.


Heigh-Ho - Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs

apparently the seven dwarfs had no idea of what they were doing - mining gems.
