of course lewis and clark, and our brilliant president, thomas jefferson got the credit. they of course had all the brains and sacagawea was just a common woman without degrees, awards, or rank.
hey, i don't want palin to lead me but the truth is compelling.
i'm as dumb as the rest of you. i want people with degrees, awards, and rank no matter how stupid they are.
which brings to mind fred astaire and ginger rogers. she did the same thing he did except backwards and in high heels.
just sayin'
lewis had a dog, seaman, during the expedition and praised its “sagacity”.
Definition: wisdom
Synonyms: acumen, astuteness, brains, clear thinking, common sense, comprehension, discernment, discrimination, enlightenment, experience, foresight, good judgment, insight, intelligence, judgment, knowledge, levelheadedness, perceptiveness, perspicacity, practicality, prudence, sageness, sapience, sense, shrewdness, understanding "
obviously lewis and clark needed a lot of help.
i have no idea what this is about...........
"Je sais qu'il est des yeux
Qui regardent peureux
Le bonheur qui revient
Et ce sont les tiens
Que tout un passé retient
Ne songeons plus à nos remords
l'amour est toujours le plus fort
Tes yeux pleins de douceur
Ne doivent rêver qu'aux joies de mon coeur.
(au Refrain)"