senior, old age, second childhood, sickness and death, ain't we got fun.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


i hope blizzard incorporates my new character, GERIATRICMAN.

some of his powers, special weapons, and defenses are:
a. knee and hip socket replacement empowers him with greater agility.
b. a cane super weapon imbued with sword and fire power.
c. magical meds for invisibility  and added stamina, speed, and agility.
d. walkers equipped with weapons and armor.
e. super powerful prostate muscle for long range destruction.
f. writing a new magical will diminishes opponents strength, desire, and power.

diablo, himself can be lulled into a mesmerized state by, GERIACTRICMAN,  telling him about how he went to school uphill in a snowstorm with the wind in his face and .............


other stuff could be --

a money globe. periodically refilled by social security checks, you die if it goes to zero.

magical osteoporosis inflicted on demons.

baldspot vulnerability - the character’s deadly weakness.

heart valve replacement necessary for exciting melee mode.


wikipedia:  "Trem das Onze" (English: The 11 P.M. train) is a famous classical samba composition by Brazilian singer Adoniran Barbosa (1912-1982), released in 1964 and made famous that same year by the samba group Demônios da Garoa. It is widely considered one of the best Brazilian popular songs ever. ....."

couldn't find any visual of this particular version.  sad, sad, sad. 

i'm not sure but the words seem to say that the singer is dumping his lover??? huh?


I can't stay
Not even another minute with you
I am sorry, love
But it can not be
I live in Jaçanã
If I miss this train
That leaves now at 11 PM
Only tomorrow morning
And besides that, woman
There's another thing
My mother doesn't sleep
Until I get home
I'm an only child
I have my house to look after