senior, old age, second childhood, sickness and death, ain't we got fun.

Friday, February 26, 2016


the trump story as told in 1937 by arch obeler on the radio show, lights out. and edited today.

"I tell you that mass of flesh was donald trump ..the tissue of which for some reason is undergoing constant, rapid, accelerating growth. With every passing hour its growth is doubling. Do you know what that means? If it is now one block in size, within thirty hours that cannibal flesh will have increased in size to one square block to the thirtieth power. VOICE RISES. In thirty hours every inch of this whole city will be crushed under that moving flesh. Within sixty hours it will have covered the entire state. Within two weeks the entire United States. You ask for the National Guard. I say call out the entire army. Blast this thing off the earth.

If you want to hear the whole story, the MP3 is here:"
