epilogue iii
mental health
i forgot to mention rudy giuliani among crazy cross dressing republicans. bizarrely the rat pack that calls itself the republican party thinks it is cool to be perverse provided you are one of them. being perverse and not of really white lineage makes you a thug. what is it with these guys pretending to be sophisticated but are just plain crazy. they're the ones promoting perverse behavior. why am i the only one who sees that?
my brain and the speed of light
as you know (no you don't!) the speed of light is constant regardless of whether you are moving toward the light source or moving away from the light source. for most other phenomena such as a moving train you will notice that relative to the ground your speed is slower when walking to the rear of the moving train and faster as you walk to the front of the train. one side of my brain accepts this.
the other side of my brain says while lol that this is stupid and can't happen. next thing you know they'll be saying we evolved from monkeys. thats funny.
senior, old age, second childhood, sickness and death, ain't we got fun.