senior, old age, second childhood, sickness and death, ain't we got fun.

Sunday, May 18, 2014


epilogue i

just a few post scripts and followups:

checking with my dentist for a prescription for pre appt. anti-biotics he said i should check with my local doctor. i thought my dentist was a local doctor. dentists love to be called doctor but bail out when the rubber meets the road. they're just dentists.

i'm going to call my garage mechanic and shoemaker doctor. just give them a piece of paper to put on the wall.


must comment on the rancher cliven bundy from bunkerville nv. how can anyone possibly make these names up? impossible.... even a hollywood writer or casting studio would find it difficult to think of more descriptive names. you know exactly who he is and where he's from. i'm thinking movie script, background music, jack palance, and james coburn, russell crowe, gene hackman, in their prime. good guys include gary cooper as the sheriff and spencer tracy as the head of the local blm.

"bad day in bunkerville" starts with spencer tracey getting off a train and trying to get acquainted with the locals --- ooops i think that's another movie.

yes i know this has nothing to do with healthcare.


according to the experts i'll be perfectly well in about six weeks when i will have survived six months. the medical community has sliced up the recovery period into easily handled parts. one size fits all. a 20 year old has the same schedule as i do even if its obvious that we are so different physically. well, they know what they're doing.

can hardly wait for my full health day. maybe i'll go on safari or sign up for a triathlon. we'll see. right now i still don't feel that great even though i'm only 80 something and in my prime.

in early july i'm scheduled to stop taking three of the remaining eight meds i'm on. will feel really good. i think.


y'know that magic moment at the hospital when you are about to be wheeled away for your surgery and someone comes into your room and says, "your surgeon doctor frankenburger is the best. he performed procedures on almost all members of my family and they now feel great. you are so lucky to have dr. stanislaw frankenburger working on you." well sorry folks they say that about all their doctors before surgery. it has been found that the success rate is much higher when the patient has confidence in his doctor. you never hear anyone say they had the worst surgeon. everyone i've heard about always has the best surgeon.
