senior, old age, second childhood, sickness and death, ain't we got fun.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014


epilogue ii

mental health:

carl rove being a prime example of brain damage has brought up the subject of mental health. he is a patholological liar and exhibits bizarre behavior. in some deviant abnormal way republicans think it is sophisticated to be unashamedly mentally ill and stupid. i guess this speaks to their culture.

the world has been subjected to a variety of psychopathic leaders and advisors from nero, and rasputin to nancy reagan's astrology sessions.


rich people never get sick.

somehow rich people (two types: billionaires and/or delusional personalities) seem to think their food and air and water supply and judgements are superior to their presumed poorer next door neighbors'. otherwise they might be upset with an oil pipeline across the landscape and a nuclear plant down the road or a toxic waste dump on the mountain. and they are probably convinced that they are not vulnerable to the " .. thousand natural shocks that flesh is heir to." it may devoutly be wished but only republicans believe it.

"we're rich. nothing bad can happen to us because we are so smart, and strong, out of my way!"


all is vanity

although having lost about 10 pounds from pre-transplant four months ago i find that my pant's waist size has increased by about three inches mainly because i don't want anything touching my abdomenal waistal midsectional area. i just can't stand anything rubbing on my still raw skin surface. i have given up being vain. no sense to it any longer. i only shave once a week, have given up trying to look good, slouching around with my cliven bundy rancher hat as ordered by my doctor because sunlight causes cancer and with my old man's suspender held pants.

many local people who know me by sight take a second more scrutinizing look now probably thinking, "what the hell happenned to him?".
