senior, old age, second childhood, sickness and death, ain't we got fun.

Saturday, August 31, 2013


if you really have no talent, which is most everyone (except you), you need the good book. most scientists, engineers, clergy, doctors, lawyers, and cook-housewives, etc. all go by their book. its too bad most people are just not smart enough not to go by the book. regurgitating and lots of talkin' may get you kudos in school, social situations and many work situations but may fall far short of solving real problems and situations.

take talented people for example: did ted williams have to take baseball instruction? did bobby fischer have to take chess instruction? did mozart need music instruction? ..... actually you bet they did but their natural talent cannot be learned.

as they say, " you can't make a "good" silk purse from a sow's ear".

of course this does not apply to you and me. having polled all my friends and relatives, i find they are all geniuses. although the definition of a genius is the one in a million person - 6000 in the world - , they all seem to be clustered around me.

nevermnd ..... pass me my meds.


Sunday, August 25, 2013


a moment of sadness this beautiful morning because julie harris died. it amazes me that even the best of humankind all wind up in the same place. crap....

vaguely i recall seeing her and charles durning in a performance at lincoln center many ages ago. " She appeared opposite Durning on Broadway once before, in The Au Pair Man at Lincoln Center."

Vivian Beaumont Theatre , (12/27/1973 - 1/27/1974)
First Preview: Dec 13, 1973 Total Previews: 17
Opening Date: Dec 27, 1973
Closing Date: Jan 27, 1974 Total Performances: 37

Category: Play, Original, Broadway
Setting: The home of Mrs. ELizabeth Rogers, London, England. Sometime in the not-too-distant present.

only 40 years ago. what did we do with the kids????????????????


Saturday, August 24, 2013


please don't impeach me. i confess i am a part of the worldwide conspiracy against super-right-wing-fanatic-conservative-republicans. although we'll never get rid of them, like cockroaches, we can at least slow down their ways and blunt their agenda. my simple advanced method is to smile a lot. if necesssary for survival join them and get their armband. you'll have to save your own butt like moderate republican congressmen do. ya, ya.

all together now:
"deutchland, deutchland uber alles .................... blah, blah, blah"


Wednesday, August 21, 2013


just throwin' this out as a tv show idea. the bbc has its upstairs downstairs. this is our answer to them. this show is about the relationship between the medical community class and the ordinary public.

this is not an ordinary hospital or doctor scenario. the theme of this series lies in the schism between the corporate masters from big pharma, the medical community and the general public; the delusions of the medical community as to their healing powers and the actuality of their failures, and the effects on the ordinary public. yes, there are things that they are really good at but some things are not curable and are doomed to failure and yet they persist in the medieval treatment. their goal being longevity not quality.

individuals and families affected by our medieval medical procedures and phoniness in medical practice and pharmacology today; sane people vs. fantasy oriented medical community. some being aware of their shortcomings, others faking it, and others motivated by profit and greed like corporations on the stock exchanges.

nevermind. just sayin'.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013


groan. its really dark at 5:30 in the morning when it should be light out as it was two weeks ago. the sun has come up exactly as predicted and calculated throughout the ages. apparently all the words spoken to the ruler of the cosmos for an adjustment to the sun's movement has come to naught. the sun continues to come up as always SCIENTIFICALLY predicted. so sad that you have absolutely no control.


Monday, August 19, 2013


no problem - all the yankees have to do is win 30 of their remaining 39 games. thats only 77% of their remaining schedule. then the playoffs and the world series - no sweat.


nfl starts sept 5. the ny giants and jets just warming up for their superbowl appearances at 1-1 each in preseason play.


GO GIANTS  and jets.


Thursday, August 15, 2013


going through some reading material and stuff i found that transplanting organs from one person (presumably dead) to another (presumably alive) at this age is possibly just an expensive labor intensive exercise.

take the 80 year old person who needs a kidney transplant:

if they are on the customary treatment; dialysis (a medieval torture which is used to exchange body chemicals with weird science chemicals enriching some corporation by about $70k/year/person and possibly in some way extending the poor soul's life expectency but decreasing quality of life significantly.), they can expect to live one year.

if they have successfully passed a physical exam for the purpose of obtaining a cadaver kidney they are put on a list and can expect to live three years by just being on the waiting list.

if they get the cadaver kidney and its properly installed and take all their prescribed drugs with side effects they can expect to live five years.

in the event this person is physically average and does nothing he can expect to live seven years.

your choice: one, three, five or possibly seven............................

just sayin'.


Thursday, August 8, 2013


just sayin'

even a genius, such as i, gets so-called writer's block. fortunately there are politicians to write about. some of the ignorance and medieval beliefs that they promote and promulgate is amazingly difficult to listen to. that a modern person can possibly say these things speaks badly of all teachers public and private.

republicans are especially visible like attack dogs. they threaten to destroy our country and society unless we surrender to their bizarre tenets. do what they say, but give up the government and reduce the taxes they don't pay. lucky for us their primitve beliefs and actions are not ubiquitous (ooops, sorry a phd word) and its sorta' a standoff between the greedy on one side and the greedy on the other side. and you thought only neanderthals and retarded modern men could be such jerks.

there do exist reasonable republicans such as chris christie. he in his own republican way appears honest, sincere, and intelligent. on the other hand there is that democrat self absorbed jerk anthony weiner. he should just go away.

yes -- i have nothing.

fondly, granpa.

Saturday, August 3, 2013


"what is that elderly man doing walking around in public/ riding the metro system/ shopping at the supernarket/ at the theater/ enjoying life?". being elderly is an embarassment regardless of all the bs about loving old people.

seems like there is a lot of hostility and anger out there against people who have lived too long. but there is also an insistence that your life must be saved and exrtended. there is no easy way out. so on one hand there is resentment on the other hand you are loved. like make up your mind. give me a break. 

medicare a true blessing?  i can now spend all my waking hours waiting in doctors' offices with sick people for the opinions of doctors who have trouble putting a swing set together.  yes, although you have very little time left, you can spend it all providing income to the medical community.

actually i can get an up to the minute, fairly accurate medical opinion from the cart boy at the supermarket without any delays, blood tests, biopsies, or bills.


its a mystery to me that there are so many medical corporations on the financial stock exchanges providing profits and growth of income to the company and shareholders while claiming to be so humanitarian?