senior, old age, second childhood, sickness and death, ain't we got fun.

Saturday, September 26, 2015


i have found my calling doing nothing. i'm good at it.

i retired early on the exact day i was eligible. upon my retirement i got advice from the management:

division chief large caliber "you can always quit".

section chief tech services directorate, "no one ever quits".

project leader, "after all we've done for you.... you're quitting?".

YES, I QUIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Friday, September 25, 2015


Zip- A- Dee-Doo-Dah, boehner's retirement song is better than mine which is blue skies.

blue skies shining on me
nothing like blue skies do i see.......

my associates did not believe someone could do absolutely nothing and make no money. i'm average income wise but like boehner i'm comfortable and continue doing nothing, yea, yea, yea..

blue bird singing a song
nothing like bluebirds all day long.........


Saturday, September 19, 2015


ny times 9/18:"Mikado’ Production Canceled Over Racial Concerns"

its the same production since 1885 - a classic.

next thing these liberal intellectual cripples will complain about will be: the godfather, fiddler on the roof, a tree grows in brooklyn, the bible old teatament and new.


Wednesday, September 16, 2015


trump and his illegal toxic hair should be deported back to ... ummm ... kenya?

this second rate billionaire should "be out of here so fast your head will spin" - trump.

we don't want any fraudulent wackos from kenya.
look at that hair... ugh. not presidential.

when he shows proper documentation maybe we'll let him back in the USA..

i want to see trump's long form birth certificate from kenya.

i don't accept contributions. i am spending my own money for this computer.


Friday, September 11, 2015


we don't forget. i'm teared up right now thinking lf it.

of another event: being very young when pearl harbor occurred only makes me angry. forgiveness is not in my genetic makeup.


"United Airlines Flight 93 was a domestic scheduled passenger flight that was hijacked by al-Qaeda on September 11, 2001"

yes i listened and grieved for these people and this great country but i also think often of the possible coverup of the downing of another plane twa flight 800 in july 1996 witnessed by many, many people who agree it was shot down. i truly believe we are being lied to in this case.

GOVT. engineers say it was the fuel tank. govt. engineers all respond politically. so strange that the fuel tank had gas fumes. just sayin'. i worked with DOD engineers for 30 years.


if we lived with supreme court decision in bush v. gore then kim davis can live with same sex marriage decision or stay in jail.

nuthin' much going on.


Tuesday, September 8, 2015


kim davis, of rowan county, kentucky, a modern day, joan d'arc, apparently willing to be burned at the stake to uphold her beliefs. not a very smart move when your job description conflicts with your beliefs. don't take the job or quit the job.

during the 'nam war my religious leader wanted to hold a special session for people working for DOD because of the plight they cause the vietnamese, no one showed up. perhaps i should have refused to do my job since i would find that it would be very difficult to harm another person.

have you noticed that the refugees that the media claim to have been in squalid, terrible camps for at least a week appear to be so clean and healthy. i look more soiled after eating breakfast.


Monday, September 7, 2015


somehow although its a mystery to me doing nothng has gotten a bad reputation among the common people like engineers, salesmen, small business men et al. this particular attribute is my strong point. i've been doing nothing for almost 30 years now, 84 years if you include my government service and youth. when i retired from my DOD job with the incompetants and idiots: management, peers and subordinates. actually i was working hard trying to be invisible and doing nothing at DOD even though my brain broke through my resistance at times and i actually did something for mankind (see: Saturday, August 22, 2015 titled MY BOOK. on this blog).

strangely those doing the least and are most confused seem to be most adamant that they work hard. did ted williams or joe dimaggio or me work hard? absolutely not because we are talented and know what we are doing.

my future plans are to continue on my present path. i don't need fame, fortune, or approval from self proclaimed experts.

other people slow you down, stop you in your tracks, discourage you, or come off the bench and tackle you. even if you want to do something it is difficult to get past the nay sayers and your depressing so called friends. they say they can do anything but upon close scrutiny they are useless.

it is so sad when i meet older people who can't seem to give up the so-called work ethic. they'll do anything to prove their worth. i guess being a DONALD i am born with the talent of being able not to do anything. people should do things for me.

i think i have almost achieved excellence in being useless. each day in every way i am more useless. yea, yea, yea........


Sunday, September 6, 2015


pain and suffering are conditions that i cannot abide. i am not good bearing these conditions. while in the hospital and suffering which i am not good at. i asked the doctor to just kill me. he said, it wasn't on his list of treatment options. i was thinking about a painless and quick exit from this life and i came up with nothing. the robin williams choice seemed too severe even for my unhappy state.

during my second hospital admission after the transplant i was feeling so miserable i thought that was the best time to exit. i was feeling so bad i wouldn't have noticed that all organs had ceased to function.

i am not looking forward to a replay of this type event or worse before the end.

bye. aaarrrgghhhhhh...............

wait! i'm hungry. pass the pizza and beer.


Friday, September 4, 2015


shopper's supermarket sells "spoon size shredded wheat" for about two bucks. kashi sells the same stuff called "autumn wheat biscuits" for about four dollars. the best of this type product is called post's "shredded wheat spoon size" sells for $3.29. the price difference must be in the name.

the large size biscuits cost about $2.70 at shoppers.

the truth is now out and i am relieved.



wondrin' who that interesting, attractive woman is standing behind trump's left side at thursay's trump hour. i feel sorry for her. she's sixty years too late for me.



Thursday, September 3, 2015


is jeb really going to go head to head with the donald? thats definitely a loser, loser, loser for the bush family. going up against a new york city bred wise guy is not a good idea.

this reminds me of the movie, dead end, where the rich kid keeps taking it from the street wise dead end kids.


Wednesday, September 2, 2015


why do they call a stock market crash a correction?

why does a delusional war criminal ex vice-president think he has anything worthwhile to say? shouldn't we resurrect nuremberg trials for him and his peers.

did mrs. L only want to give me milk and cookies in about 1947 when she offered to give me milk and cookies - probably. reminds me of "Occam's razor......... 'law of parsimony') is a problem-solving principle..........The principle states that among competing hypotheses that predict equally well, the one with the fewest assumptions should be selected. Other, more complicated solutions may ultimately prove to provide better predictions, but—in the absence of differences in predictive ability—the fewer assumptions that are made, the better......."


Tuesday, September 1, 2015


the myth that van gogh cut off his ear for a woman is make believe. he cut his ear while shaving. you can see that he gave up shaving as he grew a beard. i cut myself every time i shave. .......... Van Gogh threatened his friend with a knife before turning it on himself and mutilating his ear lobe. Afterward, he allegedly wrapped up the ear and gave it to a prostitute at a nearby brothel. .......... women!!!!!!

who was the girl who jumped into my lap at marcia's sweet sixteen party in 1946 (? 1947 ?)?

why was einstein's hair so messy? i suspect he wasn't smart enough to find a barber.

i know there are very few who have any interest in my thoughts and comments thats your problem not mine.

i had no choice. i think when i signed up for an unknown reason now to huff. post they signed me onto facebook. i personally don't need a thousand friends or even one. any friends are annoying. i certainly don't need anyone's approval. stay away! beware of the witch/dog/disease/poison/guns/crazy old man. thank you.
