senior, old age, second childhood, sickness and death, ain't we got fun.

Friday, July 31, 2015


saw the movie. its sorta' ok. basically its about the superiority of women. at the end the woman (created as a robot) frees herself and trashes the men. this was probably done better w/o the robots by bette davis or joan crawford in some 1930s movie.

ho, hum.......


Thursday, July 30, 2015


the people have given up waiting for the tea party to do anything worthwhile. trump holds the promise of accomplishing something. even stopping the usual corrupt republican suspects would be something.

sadly, hillary is in the wings. one or two other democrats may be satisfactory for me.



the brave dentist killing the old, tame and caged lion is something the g w bush administration might take pride in. only a dentist from new jersey would be proud of this event. the cost of this trip is most significant since the appearance of being rich is the only characteristic we in new jersey value. mainly to the mentally challenged of the garden state which is most of the people.

this is one way you climb the social ladder in new jersey: kill or hurt something helpless.

yes i know the guy is from minnesota-tomato/tomahto.

Tuesday, July 28, 2015


Buck Rogers is a fictional character who first appeared in a novella titled Armageddon 2419 A.D. by Philip Francis Nowlan published in the August 1928 issue of the pulp magazine Amazing Stories as Anthony Rogers. [1] A sequel, The Airlords of Han, was published in the March 1929 issue.

when we fnally moved from (ugh) new jersey about 16 years ago my book of collected works of buck rogers in the 25th century disappeared. i think my wife threw this great classic away thinking it was junk. i on the other hand was under the delusion that this great collectible classic was of great value.

well, i was really relieved when i think i found on amazon that a used copy is practically worthless.

The Collected Works of Buck Rogers in the 25th Century Hardcover – January 1, 1969
by Dick Calkins (Author, Artist), Phil Nowlan (Author), & 3 more
.....Used $13.49 plus shipping
Used: Good

some of the material in the book is precious today like the rocket ships with open cockpits and people standing up in them as they travel or wilma deering at times running around in skimpy clothes with a vagina shaped jewel in the appropriate place.

i may buy this copy because i can and to see whether this valuable document can be so inexpensive.


i just bought a used copy from amazon. will report on it.

life is so exciting.

Sunday, July 26, 2015


spending the afternoon watching talks on c-span3 about the rape of belgium during ww1 by the germans. the germans didn't disappoint me. they exhibited their paranoia, barbaric behavior, greed, and cruelty which really shouldn't be a surprise. to herbert hoover's cred1t is the injection of american charity into begium's travail.

Herbert Hoover and Belgian Relief in World War I

".... The Life of Herbert Hoover: The Humanitarian, 1914–1917, is also a book about politics, again of a special sort: the politics of philanthropy and humanitarian relief on a scale previously unknown and unimagined. ....."

"For his (Hoover's) efforts, he became an important wartime adviser to President Woodrow Wilson, who made Hoover a part of the American delegation to the conference of the Treaty of Versailles."

if you know anything (now i do) about ww1 you'll know that the germans in spite of their whining and thirst for revenge got off easy with the treaty of versailles. they were evil and at fault.

it is now clear to me that winston churchill's comments about germany at the end of wwii were based on his experience and clearly justified.


Saturday, July 25, 2015



i was to be transferred from the hospital to the rehab facility by ambulance. they were late. distressed and unhappy about that stay at the hospital and with the quack doctor assigned to me suicide started to be an option. one more minute in this f'en place might push me over the edge.

the doctor was trying out various vender gadgets and crazy ideas on me presumably because i was dying anyway. finally i put a stop to his quackery. being so unhappy and sick i was toying with the idea of jumping through the window and down from the 10th floor. the window appeared very sturdy and the whole suicide plan suddenly didn't seem to be a very good idea. oh well-forget it.

while i was still alive (but not screaming) the ambulance arrived late of course. scary but interesting was when they let me off the bed i found that i could not hold my own weight. the driver had to hold me up. finally while i was cheering the gurney was pushed out of the building up the ambulance ramp into the compartment. i was happier even though the driver didn't seem to miss a pothole on the way to the rehab facility. ethnic radio music filled the vehicle. it started off ok but gradually i developed a loathing for it.

when he was about to leave i said, "i hope you don't miss any potholes on the way back".

saved, saved, saved. the bed was comfortable with all the appropriate bedding. excellent food was served. the room was large and tastefully decorated. life may not be perfect but it was better.

yes i know you just don't care. move on down the line.


Friday, July 24, 2015


dirty tricks republicans are getting a dose of their own medicine from donald trump. verbalizing a twisted reality the trumpster is giving them fits.

there is a god.


Thursday, July 23, 2015


ok, its your choice. do you want trump as president or the third term of george w. bush in the persona of the jebster with all the leading figures of the death star such as cheney, bolton, kissinger, rice, wolfowitz, and other warmongers and draft evaders.

at least trump may have some human feelings.

dump the jebster and ssve your soul.


Wednesday, July 22, 2015


although he's a (ugh) republican overall he appears intelligent and human (not robotic or exceptionally hateful and implacable like other republicans - trump, cheney)

almost an alternative to any democratic possible nominee.


Tuesday, July 21, 2015


as you know lindsey graham called trump a jackass. i'm sure he toned down his true feelings. as demonstrated by trump today he went on and on and on attempting to demean graham. all he managed to do is make himself look like a jackass. hitleresque i would say in all his loud inaccurate ravings which would sell in 1930s germany.

speaking of jackasses the national review is said to have called bernie sanders of polish/jewish descent a national socialist. very nice, natonal review.


the cardiologist told me to exercise (much) more.

the urologist told me to rest more.

the nephrologist just types a lot. probably writing his books.

the dentist just sorta' minds his own business.

the skin doctor told me to stay out of the sun and wear a hat.

the eye doctor told me to see him again in a few months.

blood tests show i'm in perfect health. and i want to believe it.

the family doctor asks about me but i think i'm getting enough medical attention.



Saturday, July 18, 2015


is a bowl of cherries;

is a box of chocolates;

is a can of worms;

is just a dream;

is a tom brady football;

is finding yourself in bed with a "10" when exhausted and drunk at 4 am;

is working in new jersey with engineers from njit.

is a train wreck;

is a DOD manager;

is mulligan stew with sausage and hamburger.



he should at least be appointed secretary of state. certainly he would confuse and boggle the minds of our enemies.


Friday, July 17, 2015


the reason you are paranoid is that you owe the federal government a huge amount of tax money. you are not being invaded. we are already stuck with you. in fact although you don't know it you are part of the usa. the reasons you got all this federal money is due to the facts that there is no human talent actually wanting to live there and the bush family political influence. please return the money as soon as possible for your own mental stability.

i lived in san antonio for a few months in 1953 and got tired of stepping on beetles in the street. i visited the alamo where all those loser back woodsmen were killed.

please keep texas.


Thursday, July 16, 2015


during the second war against the german murderers food and gasoline and other stuff needed for our war effort were rationed because of shortages.

after the war ended and in 1946 (after the germans were responsible for the deaths of over 2% of the world's population) it is claimed that rationing ended. shortages continued for a long time. The Office of Price Administration was terminated in 1947, with its various functions reassigned to other federal agencies.

Billboard - Jan 25, 1947
Vol. 59, No. 4 - ‎Magazine - ‎Full view
... Representative Merrow, of New Hampshire, introduced a bill which' calls for the end of sugar rationing, price control ...

when i was 15 (or 16) while vacationing in 1946 (or 1947) with my parents i met elaine whose father was a butcher and whose mother displayed rings and jewelry on all exposed skin. butchers were the kings of consumer food distribution, revered by housewives. elaine took a liking to me which i admit was not hard to do. she lived in brooklyn and i lived in the bronx. a divide so great for one of my age that she might as well be living on pluto and also i didn't have a clue as to what to do with a girlfriend. thinking back i know i could'a been somebody. a butcher's delivery boy leading a life of unlimited privilege and wealth. certainly better than working with engineering idiots in the defense dept. and new jersey for 30+ years. FYI: i wandered aimlessly like the biblical israelites in the new jersey wasteland for almost 40 years.


Tuesday, July 14, 2015


trying to track down why i felt better today resulted in concluding that it was either the ice cream or the twizzlers or the walnuts or the cake. healthy eating is very important.


its always good to talk about your phd. people are impressed. there is an excellent chance that they will never realize that you are a delusional moron.

you sat through 200 or 300 incredibly boring college credit hours. this is to your credit for your discipline and dedication but my dog can do the same thing.

be sure to learn new words that only you and william buckley understand and he's dead. if anyone else understands you, you have not fulfilled your phd union requirements. and speak softly so that people must bend towards you to hear you. make sure you mention your phd. did i mention that you should say phd as often as possible. speak only to people who have an appointment to see you. you may plagiarize as one of your perks. no one can know everything. if bearded, stroke it frequently. smoke a pipe and blow the smoke in the face of your audience. being an absolute jerk seems to be a plus among phds. having a phony accent is admired (kissinger or buckley for example). be sure to mention how difficult your life has been. if you do not have the stated diplomas and documentation don't worry about it because no one will authenticate your background. these are some of the tricks you must use to intimidate your audience.

you must use these tips because you have no natural ability.

employers will hire a phd over the average homeless person. can't blame them. i would do the same.

i have more complaints but i'm getting bored with this.


just saying'. when i was a kid my phd uncle had me take a magazine published IQ test. i got 14 of the 15 questions correct. i asked him how many he got right? he said, "10". i'm sure he decided the test was at fault. he's been dead for many years but i'm still angry over the misinformation he gave me which i followed.

he whipped me at chess when i was a kid many times. one day when i was in college i challenged him to a game and avenged all my previous defeats whipping his butt. you are only as good as your last game.


Sunday, July 12, 2015


its amazing how much better movies are today than when thomas edison was making them. i've seen this with my own eyes. when i was a kid in the mid 1930s my aunt florence took me to the movies. the freeman theater on southern boulevard under the el was one of them and showed the oldest and presumably the least expensive movies available.

The Freeman Theatre opened around 1922 with a little over 1,600 seats. It was located on Southern Boulevard between Freeman Street and Home Street.

The Freeman Theatre closed during the 1970’s, and sat vacant until it was demolished in early-2015.

there were interesting movies like the one with a folding bed that opened and closed - awesome.

the scariest was the one with an ape that murdered people in their beds by reaching through the heating duct grate. i worry about this to this day when near a heating duct.

today these movies are considered classics for intellectuals and would cost you extra. for this alone i am happy not being an intellectual.


Saturday, July 11, 2015


i have had an epiphany. i realize that the ancient romans had it right. they had many gods. the world today is too complicated to accommodate a single being sitting on his throne scratching his various areas doing whatever comes to his mind for whatever vague and obscure reasoning.

even in today's world a variety of people believe in spirits, elves, fairies, saints, ghosts, and other beings with a variety of influence over the alleged supreme being. obviously their influence is more equal than imagined as bad things seem just as likely to occur as good things. since there is no way of satisfying all sprites, spirits, goblins or trolls at the same time then just give it up. on the other hand just smile at everybody or every spirit.

my personal favorites are lady luck and murphy of murphy's law fame. they get their kicks by making my life as miserable as possible. they laugh and laugh. many times i send them packing when i feel well. do not try to appease them because they feel even happier and try harder.

so much for religious training today.


Friday, July 10, 2015


many high school movies are silly and immature but sometimes they can affect you and make you wonder what the hell you thought you were doing those many, many years ago. yes, i know. you were growing up. most of us, especially myself, never quite reached maturity.

anyway ...... among h.s. movies i really, really liked:
fast times at ridgefield high
the battle of shaker heights.

except for attending classes and doing the work it was the best of times and i didn't know it.


Thursday, July 9, 2015


being that greek banks are closed today there will be no further televising of cute young women in skimpy sun dresses at the banks' ATMs.


CNBC commentators do not have a clue as to where the world and its economy are going. in yesterday's computer stock market crash they were running around like chicken little thinking that the sky was falling. i suggest that you give them dilbert's etch-a-skefch and tell them its a computer. i loved when the head of the nyse was interviewed and didn't know a thing about what was happening. what do you expect from someone making an eight figure salary?

i dunno either???????


Wednesday, July 8, 2015


financial people are not too stable. obviously affluence and trading securities people are just too soft mentally and probably physically. between this event, their erectile dysfunction, paranoia, and alcoholism they are on the edge of madness. i suggest quaaludes and a little poverty may do them a some good.

the FBI and other heavyweights are investigating. next time my home computer goes down i'll call the FBI for help.

be sure to call heidi fieiss for brow stroking.


Tuesday, July 7, 2015


many republicans claim that donald trump is a sham counterfeit republican and bernie sanders is misrepresenting himself as a democrat. what happened to the democratic process? are the jerks taking over?

the remainder of the fields are not authentic or honest. at least sanders and trump seem to be straight forward and are attracting attention.

no more clintons or bushs please.


Monday, July 6, 2015


at 3 am while snacking, blogging, and watching porn films on cable tv i suddenly realized how mechanical, boring, and juvenile the porn films on tv are. a high school biology book would be more interesting. if i were 11 years old again they might have some interest.

real movies, many showing nothing can be really emotional and hot. the movie, "the french lieutenant's woman" with meryl streep where there is nothing to see which just builds on the sexual tension was far more interesting. i cried from the emotional release i felt when they .. ummm .. finally hooked up.


Sunday, July 5, 2015


google, "Donald - Behind the Name
From the Gaelic name Domhnall which means "ruler of the world", composed of the old Celtic elements dumno "world" and val "rule". This was the name of two 9th-century kings of the Scots and Picts.

if your name is donald, the first thing your mother tells you is the meaning of the name donald. this alone can explain the thoughts and words emanating from a donald.


Friday, July 3, 2015


woke up this morning feeling pretty good for a dying, sick old man. just thought you wanted to know.

i see that california is pushing for universal vaccinations. they have doctors lined up telling us how safe it is. interesting for paid experts to say that since my wife and i have had bad reactions and illness after receiving vaccinations of one sort or other. thats 2 for 2. a bizarre anomaly. its very unlikely since the "DOCTORS say they are so good for you and the human race.

(note to doctors: please don't try to explain it to me. you are so smart. yes you are - yes you are.)


Thursday, July 2, 2015


its a year and a half since i received the mystery cadaver kidney by transplant. its history is a little murky as it was sent to one hospital and then apparently rejected or something and sent to my hospital. they must have said, "give it to granpa don". actually i dunno.

anyway my major life accomplishment over the past 18 months is watching gilligan's island reruns.

life is good.
