there are many unexplained events that we see and ignore every day proving that there are unseen spirits around us.
my proof today is my earphone cable to my ipod. clearly no knots of such intricacy could possibly have occurred naturally. not one, not two but three bizarre knots now showing on the cable have either naturally occurred or certain spirits have created them. it is so obvious that spirits must have been involved. just putting aside my ipod w/cable could not have twisted, knotted, and pulled the cable in this manner. if this were true then darwin's theory of evolution can be accepted (har, har). the cable evolved (har, har) into this condition. do you think i'm stupid or something?
another intesting mystery is the internet. don't tell me that supposedly coded instructions with only zeros and ones called binary code can evolve into the internet and amazon shopping. something is doing all this. its a mystery.
i'm sure there are many great spirits in the universe. just having one goes against the natural universe as we know it.
senior, old age, second childhood, sickness and death, ain't we got fun.